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multiple django projects, mod_wsgi, single domain

I have two distinct Django "projects", which I want to run on a single domain using mod_wsgi. With mod_python, I believe there was a way to do this, where certain url paths would be mapped to one Django project, and other paths mapped to the other project, all at the server level.

Is it possible to do this with mod_wsgi, and if so, how?

Things I have considered: what goes in the Apache virtual host description, what goes into application.wsgi files, etc. But I haven't figured out exactly how to do this.


like image 904
DavidG Avatar asked May 12 '10 18:05


1 Answers

This shouldn't be complicated. It's just a matter of setting the WSGIScriptAlias directive - you'll need two of these, one for each path, each pointing to a separate .wsgi file which contains your project settings.

like image 91
Daniel Roseman Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 09:10

Daniel Roseman