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Multiple definition [...] first define here

I'm writing a H264 parser (no OO), but I'm trying to use some modules to organize better the things.

I'm having this problems:

`CMakeFiles/server.dir/mainclass.cpp.o:(.bss+0x0): multiple definition of `I_Macroblock_Modes'  
`CMakeFiles/server.dir/main.cpp.o:(.bss+0x0): first defined here  
`CMakeFiles/server.dir/mainclass.cpp.o:(.bss+0x300): multiple definition of `P_and_SP_macroblock_modes'  
`CMakeFiles/server.dir/main.cpp.o:(.bss+0x300): first defined here  
`CMakeFiles/server.dir/mainclass.cpp.o:(.bss+0x680): multiple definition of `B_Macroblock_Modes' 
`CMakeFiles/server.dir/main.cpp.o:(.bss+0x680): first defined here  
`CMakeFiles/server.dir/thRunAppl.cpp.o:(.bss+0x0): multiple definition of `I_Macroblock_Modes'  
`CMakeFiles/server.dir/main.cpp.o:(.bss+0x0): first defined here  
`CMakeFiles/server.dir/thRunAppl.cpp.o:(.bss+0x300): multiple definition of `P_and_SP_macroblock_modes'  
`CMakeFiles/server.dir/main.cpp.o:(.bss+0x300): first defined here  
`CMakeFiles/server.dir/thRunAppl.cpp.o:(.bss+0x680): multiple definition of `B_Macroblock_Modes'  
`CMakeFiles/server.dir/main.cpp.o:(.bss+0x680): first defined here  
`CMakeFiles/server.dir/h.264parser.cpp.o:(.bss+0x0): multiple definition of `I_Macroblock_Modes'  
`CMakeFiles/server.dir/main.cpp.o:(.bss+0x0): first defined here  
`CMakeFiles/server.dir/h.264parser.cpp.o:(.bss+0x300): multiple definition of `P_and_SP_macroblock_modes'  
`CMakeFiles/server.dir/main.cpp.o:(.bss+0x300): first defined here  
`CMakeFiles/server.dir/h.264parser.cpp.o:(.bss+0x680): multiple definition of `B_Macroblock_Modes'  
`CMakeFiles/server.dir/main.cpp.o:(.bss+0x680): first defined here  
`CMakeFiles/server.dir/moc_mainclass.cxx.o:(.bss+0x0): multiple definition of `I_Macroblock_Modes'
`CMakeFiles/server.dir/main.cpp.o:(.bss+0x0): first defined here
`CMakeFiles/server.dir/moc_mainclass.cxx.o:(.bss+0x300): multiple definition of `P_and_SP_macroblock_modes'
`CMakeFiles/server.dir/main.cpp.o:(.bss+0x300): first defined here
`CMakeFiles/server.dir/moc_mainclass.cxx.o:(.bss+0x680): multiple definition of `B_Macroblock_Modes'
`CMakeFiles/server.dir/main.cpp.o:(.bss+0x680): first defined here
`CMakeFiles/server.dir/moc_thRunAppl.cxx.o:(.bss+0x0): multiple definition of `I_Macroblock_Modes'
`CMakeFiles/server.dir/main.cpp.o:(.bss+0x0): first defined here
`CMakeFiles/server.dir/moc_thRunAppl.cxx.o:(.bss+0x300): multiple definition of `P_and_SP_macroblock_modes'
`CMakeFiles/server.dir/main.cpp.o:(.bss+0x300): first defined here
`CMakeFiles/server.dir/moc_thRunAppl.cxx.o:(.bss+0x680): multiple definition of `B_Macroblock_Modes'
`CMakeFiles/server.dir/main.cpp.o:(.bss+0x680): first defined here
`CMakeFiles/server.dir/h.264parser.cpp.o: In function `MbPartPredMode(int, int)':  
`h.264parser.cpp:(.text+0xf0): undefined reference to `B_macroblockmodes(int, int)'  
`h.264parser.cpp:(.text+0x104): undefined reference to `B_macroblockmodes(int, int)'  
`h.264parser.cpp:(.text+0x111): undefined reference to `I_macroblockmodes(int, int)'  
`h.264parser.cpp:(.text+0x124): undefined reference to `P_and_SP_macroblockmodes(int, int)'  
`h.264parser.cpp:(.text+0x134): undefined reference to `P_and_SP_macroblockmodes(int, int)' 

My scenario is:

macroblocktypes.h. just with defines


#include "macroblocktypes.h"

int I_Macroblock_Modes[27][7];
int P_and_SP_macroblock_modes[32][7];
int B_Macroblock_Modes[50][7];

int I_macroblockmodes(int line, int column);
int P_and_SP_macroblockmodes(int line, int column);
int B_macroblockmodes(int line, int column);

macroblocktables.cpp, with a array and a function defined like this for each array and function on .h file.

#include "macroblocktables.h"
int I_macroblock_modes[27][7] ={
{0, I_4x4, 0, Intra_4x4, NA, NA, NA},
//If this line was to be commented out, the MbPartPredMode macro would have to be changed
//since it relies on the linear rise of the value in the first column.
//{0,   I_NxN,          1,  Intra_8x8,   NA, NA, NA},
{1, I_16x16_0_0_0, NA, Intra_16x16, 0, 0, 0},
{2, I_16x16_1_0_0, NA, Intra_16x16, 1, 0, 0},
{3, I_16x16_2_0_0, NA, Intra_16x16, 2, 0, 0},
{4, I_16x16_3_0_0, NA, Intra_16x16, 3, 0, 0},
{5, I_16x16_0_1_0, NA, Intra_16x16, 0, 1, 0},
{6, I_16x16_1_1_0, NA, Intra_16x16, 1, 1, 0},
{7, I_16x16_2_1_0, NA, Intra_16x16, 2, 1, 0},
{8, I_16x16_3_1_0, NA, Intra_16x16, 3, 1, 0},
{9, I_16x16_0_2_0, NA, Intra_16x16, 0, 2, 0},
{10, I_16x16_1_2_0, NA, Intra_16x16, 1, 2, 0},
{11, I_16x16_2_2_0, NA, Intra_16x16, 2, 2, 0},
{12, I_16x16_3_2_0, NA, Intra_16x16, 3, 2, 0},
{13, I_16x16_0_0_1, NA, Intra_16x16, 0, 0, 15},
{14, I_16x16_1_0_1, NA, Intra_16x16, 1, 0, 15},
{15, I_16x16_2_0_1, NA, Intra_16x16, 2, 0, 15},
{16, I_16x16_3_0_1, NA, Intra_16x16, 3, 0, 15},
{17, I_16x16_0_1_1, NA, Intra_16x16, 0, 1, 15},
{18, I_16x16_1_1_1, NA, Intra_16x16, 1, 1, 15},
{19, I_16x16_2_1_1, NA, Intra_16x16, 2, 1, 15},
{20, I_16x16_3_1_1, NA, Intra_16x16, 3, 1, 15},
{21, I_16x16_0_2_1, NA, Intra_16x16, 0, 2, 15},
{22, I_16x16_1_2_1, NA, Intra_16x16, 1, 2, 15},
{23, I_16x16_2_2_1, NA, Intra_16x16, 2, 2, 15},
{24, I_16x16_3_2_1, NA, Intra_16x16, 3, 2, 15},
{25, I_PCM, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA}};

int P_and_SP_macroblock_modes[32][7] = {
{0, P_L0_16x16, 1, Pred_L0, NA, 16, 16},
{1, P_L0_L0_16x8, 2, Pred_L0, Pred_L0, 16, 8},
{2, P_L0_L0_8x16, 2, Pred_L0, Pred_L0, 8, 16},
{3, P_8x8, 4, NA, NA, 8, 8},
{4, P_8x8ref0, 4, NA, NA, 8, 8},
{0, I_4x4, 0, Intra_4x4, NA, NA, NA},
{1, I_16x16_0_0_0, NA, Intra_16x16, 0, 0, 0},
{2, I_16x16_1_0_0, NA, Intra_16x16, 1, 0, 0},
{3, I_16x16_2_0_0, NA, Intra_16x16, 2, 0, 0},
{4, I_16x16_3_0_0, NA, Intra_16x16, 3, 0, 0},
{5, I_16x16_0_1_0, NA, Intra_16x16, 0, 1, 0},
{6, I_16x16_1_1_0, NA, Intra_16x16, 1, 1, 0},
{7, I_16x16_2_1_0, NA, Intra_16x16, 2, 1, 0},
{8, I_16x16_3_1_0, NA, Intra_16x16, 3, 1, 0},
{9, I_16x16_0_2_0, NA, Intra_16x16, 0, 2, 0},
{10, I_16x16_1_2_0, NA, Intra_16x16, 1, 2, 0},
{11, I_16x16_2_2_0, NA, Intra_16x16, 2, 2, 0},
{12, I_16x16_3_2_0, NA, Intra_16x16, 3, 2, 0},
{13, I_16x16_0_0_1, NA, Intra_16x16, 0, 0, 15},
{14, I_16x16_1_0_1, NA, Intra_16x16, 1, 0, 15},
{15, I_16x16_2_0_1, NA, Intra_16x16, 2, 0, 15},
{16, I_16x16_3_0_1, NA, Intra_16x16, 3, 0, 15},
{17, I_16x16_0_1_1, NA, Intra_16x16, 0, 1, 15},
{18, I_16x16_1_1_1, NA, Intra_16x16, 1, 1, 15},
{19, I_16x16_2_1_1, NA, Intra_16x16, 2, 1, 15},
{20, I_16x16_3_1_1, NA, Intra_16x16, 3, 1, 15},
{21, I_16x16_0_2_1, NA, Intra_16x16, 0, 2, 15},
{22, I_16x16_1_2_1, NA, Intra_16x16, 1, 2, 15},
{23, I_16x16_2_2_1, NA, Intra_16x16, 2, 2, 15},
{24, I_16x16_3_2_1, NA, Intra_16x16, 3, 2, 15},
{25, I_PCM, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA},
{NA, P_Skip, 1, Pred_L0, NA, 16, 16}};

int B_macroblock_modes[50][7] = {
{0, B_Direct_16x16, NA, Direct, NA, 8, 8},
{1, B_L0_16x16, 1, Pred_L0, NA, 16, 16},
{2, B_L1_16x16, 1, Pred_L1, NA, 16, 16},
{3, B_Bi_16x16, 1, BiPred, NA, 16, 16},
{4, B_L0_L0_16x8, 2, Pred_L0, Pred_L0, 16, 8},
{5, B_L0_L0_8x16, 2, Pred_L0, Pred_L0, 8, 16},
{6, B_L1_L1_16x8, 2, Pred_L1, Pred_L1, 16, 8},
{7, B_L1_L1_8x16, 2, Pred_L1, Pred_L1, 8, 16},
{8, B_L0_L1_16x8, 2, Pred_L0, Pred_L1, 16, 8},
{9, B_L0_L1_8x16, 2, Pred_L0, Pred_L1, 8, 16},
{10, B_L1_L0_16x8, 2, Pred_L1, Pred_L0, 16, 8},
{11, B_L1_L0_8x16, 2, Pred_L1, Pred_L0, 8, 16},
{12, B_L0_Bi_16x8, 2, Pred_L0, BiPred, 16, 8},
{13, B_L0_Bi_8x16, 2, Pred_L0, BiPred, 8, 16},
{14, B_L1_Bi_16x8, 2, Pred_L1, BiPred, 16, 8},
{15, B_L1_Bi_8x16, 2, Pred_L1, BiPred, 8, 16},
{16, B_Bi_L0_16x8, 2, BiPred, Pred_L0, 16, 8},
{17, B_Bi_L0_8x16, 2, BiPred, Pred_L0, 8, 16},
{18, B_Bi_L1_16x8, 2, BiPred, Pred_L1, 16, 8},
{19, B_Bi_L1_8x16, 2, BiPred, Pred_L1, 8, 16},
{20, B_Bi_Bi_16x8, 2, BiPred, BiPred, 16, 8},
{21, B_Bi_Bi_8x16, 2, BiPred, BiPred, 8, 16},
{22, B_8x8, 4, NA, NA, 8, 8},
{0, I_4x4, 0, Intra_4x4, NA, NA, NA},
{1, I_16x16_0_0_0, NA, Intra_16x16, 0, 0, 0},
{2, I_16x16_1_0_0, NA, Intra_16x16, 1, 0, 0},
{3, I_16x16_2_0_0, NA, Intra_16x16, 2, 0, 0},
{4, I_16x16_3_0_0, NA, Intra_16x16, 3, 0, 0},
{5, I_16x16_0_1_0, NA, Intra_16x16, 0, 1, 0},
{6, I_16x16_1_1_0, NA, Intra_16x16, 1, 1, 0},
{7, I_16x16_2_1_0, NA, Intra_16x16, 2, 1, 0},
{8, I_16x16_3_1_0, NA, Intra_16x16, 3, 1, 0},
{9, I_16x16_0_2_0, NA, Intra_16x16, 0, 2, 0},
{10, I_16x16_1_2_0, NA, Intra_16x16, 1, 2, 0},
{11, I_16x16_2_2_0, NA, Intra_16x16, 2, 2, 0},
{12, I_16x16_3_2_0, NA, Intra_16x16, 3, 2, 0},
{13, I_16x16_0_0_1, NA, Intra_16x16, 0, 0, 15},
{14, I_16x16_1_0_1, NA, Intra_16x16, 1, 0, 15},
{15, I_16x16_2_0_1, NA, Intra_16x16, 2, 0, 15},
{16, I_16x16_3_0_1, NA, Intra_16x16, 3, 0, 15},
{17, I_16x16_0_1_1, NA, Intra_16x16, 0, 1, 15},
{18, I_16x16_1_1_1, NA, Intra_16x16, 1, 1, 15},
{19, I_16x16_2_1_1, NA, Intra_16x16, 2, 1, 15},
{20, I_16x16_3_1_1, NA, Intra_16x16, 3, 1, 15},
{21, I_16x16_0_2_1, NA, Intra_16x16, 0, 2, 15},
{22, I_16x16_1_2_1, NA, Intra_16x16, 1, 2, 15},
{23, I_16x16_2_2_1, NA, Intra_16x16, 2, 2, 15},
{24, I_16x16_3_2_1, NA, Intra_16x16, 3, 2, 15},
{25, I_PCM, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA},
{NA, B_Skip, NA, Direct, NA, 8, 8}};

int I_macroblockmodes(int line, int column) {
if (line < 27 && column < 7)
    return I_macroblock_modes[line][column];
else {
    if (line >= 27) {
        return -10000; //line is bigger than the array size
    } else {
        return -20000; //column is bigger than the array size
//Inter prediction slices - Macroblock types
//Defined strictly by norm, page 121.

//(Table 7-13 Macroblock type values 0 to 4 for P and SP slices)
First column:   mb_type
Second column:  Name of mb_type
Third column:   NumMbPart( mb_type )
Fourth column:  MbPartPredMode( mb_type, 0 )
Fifth column:   MbPartPredMode( mb_type, 1 )
Sixth column:   MbPartWidth( mb_type )
Seventh column: MbPartHeight( mb_type )
int P_and_SP_macroblockmodes(int line, int column){
 if (line < 32 && column < 7)
    return P_and_SP_macroblock_modes[line][column];
else {
    if (line >= 32) {
        return -10000; //line is bigger than the array size
    } else {
        return -20000; //column is bigger than the array size

//p94. Table 7-14 – Macroblock type values 0 to 22 for B slices
First column:   mb_type
Second column:  Name of mb_type
Third column:   NumMbPart( mb_type )
Fourth column:  MbPartPredMode( mb_type, 0 )
Fifth column:   MbPartPredMode( mb_type, 1 )
Sixth column:   MbPartWidth( mb_type )
Seventh column: MbPartHeight( mb_type )
int B_macroblockmodes(int line, int column){
 if (line < 50 && column < 7)
    return B_macroblock_modes[line][column];
else {
    if (line >= 50) {
        return -10000; //line is bigger than the array size
    } else {
        return -20000; //column is bigger than the array size

And finally my h.264 files (.cpp and .h). Im including in the .h the macroblocktable.h and macroblocktype.h, and in the h.264.cpp just the h.264.h.

I would like to use the functions from the macroblocktable.cpp in the h.264.cpp.

Thanks in advance

like image 834
Pedro Dusso Avatar asked Jun 22 '11 12:06

Pedro Dusso

People also ask

How do I fix multiple definitions in main?

The main function is the entry point for the C++ program execution. The fix for the error is to scan the source files listed in the build log and remove the unwanted main routines in the respective files. We can have one definition of the main function for the project to run.

What is meant by multiple definition of Main?

Multiple definition of main means you have written main function more than once in your program which is not correct according to C language specifications.

What is multiple definition error in C?

What is multiple definition error in C? If you put a definition of a global variable in a header file, then this definition will go to every . c file that includes this header, and you will get multiple definition error because a varible may be declared multiple times but can be defined only once.20-Jul-2013.

2 Answers

You must keep only the declarations in a .h file, not the definitions, lest you should get any linker errors. These

int I_Macroblock_Modes[27][7];
int P_and_SP_macroblock_modes[32][7];
int B_Macroblock_Modes[50][7];

are definitions, not intuitive as it may seem. Change these to

extern int I_Macroblock_Modes[27][7];
extern int P_and_SP_macroblock_modes[32][7];
extern int B_Macroblock_Modes[50][7];

and you should be fine

like image 160
Armen Tsirunyan Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 04:10

Armen Tsirunyan

It's not "just defines". You are declaring variables inside it, therefore every time that gets included your are redeclaring global variables.

If what you want is to access I_Macroblock_Modes from other .c/.cpp files, in the macroblocktables.h header you should put:

//resides in macroblocktables.cpp
extern int I_Macroblock_Modes[27][7];
extern int P_and_SP_macroblock_modes[32][7];
extern int B_Macroblock_Modes[50][7];

// the rest of it

Because those int arrays are defined in macroblocktables.cpp, right?

In C/C++ everytime you do something like:

int myarray[4];
char mychar;

or more generally

type var_name;

you are telling to the compiler: please allocate on the stack for me, a variable named X that has type T.

when you #include header.h, in the most basic explanation, you are telling the preprocessor: open header.h ctrl+c all of it, and ctrl+v it here. Then that preprocessed source file is fed to your compiler and every time it sees type var_name it will do what i explained above.

Sorry if this is too much info, but I just felt like writing it :P

like image 39
Vinicius Kamakura Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 05:10

Vinicius Kamakura