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Multiple conditions using 'or' in numpy array




So I have these conditions:

A = 0 to 10 OR 40 to 60

B = 20 to 50

and I have this code:

area1 = N.where((A>0) & (A<10)),1,0) area2 = N.where((B>20) & (B<50)),1,0) 

My question is: how do I do 'OR' condition in numpy?

like image 893
rudster Avatar asked Apr 30 '12 00:04


People also ask

How can we use conditions in numpy within an array?

It returns a new numpy array, after filtering based on a condition, which is a numpy-like array of boolean values. For example, if condition is array([[True, True, False]]) , and our array is a = ndarray([[1, 2, 3]]) , on applying a condition to array ( a[:, condition] ), we will get the array ndarray([[1 2]]) .

Where can I use and in multiple conditions in NP?

We can specify multiple conditions inside the numpy. where() function by enclosing each condition inside a pair of parenthesis and using a & operator between them. In the above code, we selected the values from the array of integers values greater than 2 but less than 4 with the np.

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To select an element from Numpy Array , we can use [] operator i.e. It will return the element at given index only.

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all() in Python. The numpy. all() function tests whether all array elements along the mentioned axis evaluate to True.

1 Answers

If numpy overloads & for boolean and you can safely assume that | is boolean or.

area1 = N.where(((A>0) & (A<10)) | ((A>40) & (A<60))),1,0) 
like image 102
ThiefMaster Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 06:09
