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Multiple Asserts in a Unit Test [duplicate]

I've just finished reading Roy Osherove's "The Art of Unit Testing" and I am trying to adhere to the best practices he lays out in the book. One of those best practices is to not use multiple asserts in a test method. The reason for this rule is fairly clear to me, but it makes me wonder...

If I have a method like:

public Foo MakeFoo(int x, int y, int z)
     Foo f = new Foo();
     f.X = x;
     f.Y = y;
     f.Z = z;

     return f;

Must I really write individual unit tests to assert each separate property of Foo is initialized with the supplied value? Is it really all that uncommon to use multiple asserts in a test method?

FYI: I am using MSTest.

EDIT: Thanks for all the responses. I think I'll wind up going with the multiple asserts. In my situation the behavior being tested is that MakeFoo makes a proper Foo. So asserting that each property is getting the expected value should suffice. However, if there was a condition around setting one of the properties then I'd test each of the individual outcomes separately.

I still don't like it though.... The reason I like the idea of having one assert per test is that you know the exact reason a test failed. If you fix the problem then the test will pass. With multiple asserts you don't have the same guarantee. If you fix the problem alluded to by the failing assertion, there is nothing to stop another assertion later on in the test from failing next. If the asserts were split up, then you'd have known about both failures from the start.

And finally, the reason I'm not just using .Equals() is because in my situation Foo is a LINQ-To-SQL entity which introduces some complications that aren't worth getting into here.

Thank again.

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mikesigs Avatar asked May 20 '10 23:05


People also ask

Can I have multiple asserts in a unit test?

you can have multiple asserts on the same object. they will usually be the same concept being tested.

What will happen if a test has more than one assert?

Using multiple assertions in a single test means that your test is more complicated and will be harder to get right. The wrong way of using the multiple asserts in your test function: arrange the system under test. act, call the method you want to check.

Should you have one assert per test?

“One assertion per test” is a wise rule to keep in mind, because it helps you have tests that fail for a specific reason, and drives you to focus on a specific behavior at a time.

Should unit tests be run in parallel?

Running unit tests in parallel can significantly improve the speed at which they run. However, you have to make sure that one test does not affect another in any way. Else your tests are green most of the time, but sometimes one or more tests will fail.

2 Answers

It is far more important to test just one concept per unit test.

It may take more than one assertion to test a concept, so don't worry overly about the number of assertions. Of course if you end up with a large number of assertions, you may want to take a step back and think about what you are really testing.

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Johnsyweb Avatar answered Oct 24 '22 07:10


In situations like this, if I'm trying to be strict about one assert per test, I'll assert equality on the Foo, rather than its components. That drives me to write Foo.equals(), and that's usually a good thing in and of itself. But I'm not always strict about one assert per test. See what feels good to you.

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Carl Manaster Avatar answered Oct 24 '22 07:10

Carl Manaster