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Multiple ajax calls from array and handle callback when completed


I have used promises in jQuery slightly before - but I am having trouble applying it to this scenario. I prefer to use the $.when() and $.done() methods to achieve this.

From what I understand I need to build a $.Deferred object which logs the requests and when those requests are finished - fire the callback. In my code below the callback is firing before the ajax requests and not after - maybe I just need some sleep

I know my code is incomplete I have been struggling to apply it with the addition of the for loop.


var list = ['obj1', 'obj2', 'obj3', 'obj4', 'obj5']; var callback = function() {   alert("done"); }; var requests = [];  var ajaxFunction = function(obj, successCallback, errorCallback) {   for(i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {     $.ajax({       url: 'url',       success: function() {             requests.push(this);       }     });   } }; $.when($.ajax(), ajaxFunction).then(function(results){callback()}); 
like image 713
user1982408 Avatar asked Jan 16 '13 05:01


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1 Answers

The arguments to $.when should be the return value of $.ajax, which also doesn't need to be called separately -- that makes no sense. You want something like this:

for (i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {    requests.push($.ajax(...)); } $.when.apply(undefined, requests).then(...) 

The reason that .apply is needed is because $.when can take multiple arguments, but not an array of arguments. .apply expands essentially to:

$.when(requests[0], requests[1], ...) 

This also assumes that the requests can be completed in any order.

http://jsfiddle.net/MBZEu/4/ -- notice that 'done' is logged to the console after all of the success messages.

like image 198
Explosion Pills Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 15:10

Explosion Pills