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Multiple Activities / Fragments and the Model View Presenter pattern

Firstly, I know that with Model View Presenter there are different implementations, and in my mind as long as you have the layers of abstraction clearly defined and doing their appointed roles then how you implement this pattern is open to interpretation. I have been implementing this pattern in quite a few apps where there was just one Activity. I've now started a new project that has multiple Activities and attached Fragments, including nested fragments (ViewPager).

I'm now trying to translate the MVP to this project and I've hit a concept wall and would like some guidance and insights.

So far I've created the above structure and started to do a 1 : 1 relationship with View & Presenter (regardless of Activity or Fragment). I feel that this is OK, however if for example I sent a request to do something from an Activity View to its Presenter, which returns a result to the Activity View how would I go about propagating the result i.e. update all the other Activities/Fragments that are currently not in a Paused() or Stop() state. I feel like in this case there should be a central Presenter that updates all necessary Activity and Fragment Views, but I'm not sure how to go about doing this.

Currently when each Activity and Fragment is created it creates a new instance of a Presenter class, passing in itself as a reference (the Activities and Fragments implement their own interfaces), which the presenter stores as a WeakReference and can invoke the relevant interface methods when returning a result.

According to the docs whenever Fragments want to communicate with one another and the attached Activity you should use a callback interface. With this in mind should I have one callback interface that the Activity implements and the Fragments callback to whenever they request something, so in essence only the Activity would have a Presenter and Model layer that the Fragments have to callback to in order to make various requests?

Sorry if this sounds a bit muddled, hopefully this is clear enough to understand what I want to achieve, and if I’m thinking along the right lines... or totally off the mark!

like image 709
Mark Avatar asked Mar 04 '16 19:03


People also ask

Can fragments be used in multiple activities?

You can use multiple instances of the same fragment class within the same activity, in multiple activities, or even as a child of another fragment. With this in mind, you should only provide a fragment with the logic necessary to manage its own UI.

Can a view have multiple presenters?

Your view can have several presenters, there can be one presenter in one fragment, or several presenters in one activity.

How does Model View Presenter work?

The Presenter is responsible to act as the middle man between View and Model. It retrieves data from the Model and returns it formatted to the View. But unlike the typical MVC, it also decides what happens when you interact with the View.

2 Answers

I think this is okay to have a presenter inside activity. Basically activity is like a controller, it should know about the presenter.

It would be wrong to put a presenter inside a fragment if activity or other fragment needs it too. You can put a presenter inside a fragment only if this presenter is designed specifically for fragment.

which the presenter stores as a WeakReference and can invoke the relevant interface methods when returning a result

Why do you need a WeakReference here? If you have 1:1 relationship then I assume your presenter does not have it's own lifecycle, meaning that it's lifecycle depends on either activity or fragment. There is no risk of having memory leaks because it's not a singleton, right? It should be safe to have a strong reference.

I'm not sure if I answered your question because it looks a bit broad to me. My point is that, fragments are just separated "parts" of activity and you should treat them as parts. If presenter belongs to this part only, then it should be inside. Otherwise it should be in activity. You are right about using an interface to access activity, this is a well-known design approach which Google uses in their examples.

like image 192
Gennadii Saprykin Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 03:11

Gennadii Saprykin

Nope, no interface anymore. You either use RxJava Observables to update all the views as described here or some kind of Bus(Otto-deprecated or EventBus). And you will like it because they make interacting too easy.

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Jemshit Iskenderov Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 05:11

Jemshit Iskenderov