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Multiple access_keys for different privileges with same S3 account?



I have a single S3/AWS account. I have several websites each which use their own bucket on S3 for reading/writing storage. I also host a lot of personal stuff (backups, etc) on other buckets on S3, which are not publicly accessible.

I would like to not have these websites-- some of which may have other people accessing their source code and configuration properties and seeing the S3 keys-- having access to my private data!

It seems from reading Amazon's docs that I need to partition privileges, by Amazon USER per bucket, not by access key per bucket. But that's not going to work. It also seems like I only get 2 access keys. I need to have one access key which is the master key, and several others which have much more circumscribed permissions-- only for certain buckets.

Is there any way to do that, or to approximate that?

like image 875
Muhoo Avatar asked May 23 '12 23:05


1 Answers

You can achieve your goal by facilitating AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM):

AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) enables you to securely control access to AWS services and resources for your users. IAM enables you to create and manage users in AWS, and it also enables you to grant access to AWS resources for users managed outside of AWS in your corporate directory. IAM offers greater security, flexibility, and control when using AWS. [emphasis mine]

As emphasized, using IAM is strongly recommended for all things AWS anyway, i.e. ideally you should never use your main account credentials for anything but setting up IAM initially (as mentioned by Judge Mental already, you can generate as many access keys as you want like so).

You can use IAM just fine via the AWS Management Console (i.e. their is no need for 3rd party tools to use all available functionality in principle).

Generating the required policies can be a bit tricky in times, but the AWS Policy Generator is extremely helpful to get you started and explore what's available.

For the use case at hand you'll need a S3 Bucket Policy, see Using Bucket Policies in particular and Access Control for a general overview of the various available S3 access control mechanisms (which can interfere in subtle ways, see e.g. Using ACLs and Bucket Policies Together).

Good luck!

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Steffen Opel Avatar answered Jan 01 '23 22:01

Steffen Opel