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Multiline strings that don't break indentation

According to this esdiscuss discussion, it is possible in ECMAScript 6 to define multiline strings without having to place subsequent lines of the string at the very beginning of the line.

Allen Wirfs-Brock’s post contains a code example:

var a = dontIndent         `This is a template string.          Even though each line is indented to keep the          code neat and tidy, the white space used to indent          is not in the resulting string`; 

Could someone explain how this can be achieved? How to define this dontIndent thing in order to remove the whitespace used for indentation?

like image 302
Šime Vidas Avatar asked Sep 18 '14 23:09

Šime Vidas

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Use triple quotes to create a multiline string You will need to enclose it with a pair of Triple quotes, one at the start and second in the end. Anything inside the enclosing Triple quotes will become part of one multiline string.

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Raw StringsThey can span multiple lines without concatenation and they don't use escaped sequences. You can use backslashes or double quotes directly.

How do you indent multiple lines in Javascript?

If you prefer using [spacebar] to indent your code rather than using [tab], you can select multiple lines by holding the [alt] key and clicking on the beginning of each line you want to indent. Then, you can press [spacebar] and all the selected lines will be affected.

2 Answers

2020 answer: there is still nothing built into the JS stdlib to handle de-denting long lines, although TC39 has discussed adding a new template literal that handles indentation. You have 2 options presently:

  1. The endent and dedent-js packages will handle this. Note the dedent-js package actually works with both tabs and spaces, dedent is a separate package and fails on tabs:
    var dedent = require('dedent-js'); 
    var text = dedent(`       <div>         <span>OK</span>         <div>           <div></div>         </div>       </div>     `); 

Will strip out the proceeding whitespace on each line and the leading carriage return. It also has more users, an issue tracker, and is more easily updated than copypasting from Stack Overflow!

  1. Don't indent long lines, but use an editor that shows long lines as indented. Eg, vsCode - you can simply use long lines, not indent anything, and include carriage returns in a long string. vsCode will show them indented. The string below has no indentation - the second line The empty export... is immediately after the carriage return, but shows up as indented.

enter image description here

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mikemaccana Avatar answered Sep 25 '22 10:09


This feature is implemented by defining a custom function and then using it as a tag (dontIndent above). The code blow is from Zenparsing's gist:

function dedent(callSite, ...args) {      function format(str) {          let size = -1;          return str.replace(/\n(\s+)/g, (m, m1) => {              if (size < 0)                 size = m1.replace(/\t/g, "    ").length;              return "\n" + m1.slice(Math.min(m1.length, size));         });     }      if (typeof callSite === "string")         return format(callSite);      if (typeof callSite === "function")         return (...args) => format(callSite(...args));      let output = callSite         .slice(0, args.length + 1)         .map((text, i) => (i === 0 ? "" : args[i - 1]) + text)         .join("");      return format(output); } 

I've successfully tested it in Firefox Nightly:

enter image description here

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Šime Vidas Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 10:09

Šime Vidas