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Multiline string with added text from variables



I am aware this will work:

string multiline_text = @"this is a multiline text this is line 1 this is line 2 this is line 3"; 

How can I make the following work:

string a1 = " line number one"; string a2 = " line number two"; string a3 = " line number three";  string multiline_text = @"this is a multiline text this is " + a1 + "  this is " + a2 + "  this is " + a3 + "; 

Is it possible without splitting the string into several substring, one for each line?

like image 745
enb081 Avatar asked Apr 24 '13 15:04


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2 Answers

One option is to use string formatting instead. Before C# 6:

string pattern = @"this is a multiline text this is {0} this is {1} this is {2}";  string result = string.Format(pattern, a1, a2, a3); 

With C# 6, you can use an interpolated verbatim string literal:

string pattern = $@"this is a multiline text this is {a1} this is {a2} this is {a3}"; 

Note that $@ has to be exactly that - if you try to use @$, it won't compile.

like image 74
Jon Skeet Avatar answered Nov 07 '22 14:11

Jon Skeet

Although string.Format is better practice, to do what you're trying to achieve, just add the extra @s at the end of each line:

string multiline_text = @"this is a multiline text this is " + a1 + @"  this is " + a2 + @"  this is " + a3 + @""; 

You were also missing a last " before the ending semi colon.

like image 39
mattytommo Avatar answered Nov 07 '22 14:11
