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MultiKeyMap get method

I want to use MultiKeyMap from Apache Collection, because I need a HashMap with two keys and a value. To put elements I do this:

private MultiKeyMap multiKey = new MultiKeyMap();
multiKey.put("key1.1", "key2.1", "value1");

And for get element I do this:

String s = multiKey.get("key1.1");

But the String s cames null... If I pass the two keys, like that:

String s = multiKey.get("key1.1", "key2.1");

The String s cames with values value1...

How can I extend the MultiKeyMap to get the right value when I pass only one of the two keys?

like image 815
josecampos Avatar asked Nov 28 '11 16:11


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MultikeyMap is used to map multiple keys against one value . The purpose of this class is to avoid the need to write code to handle maps of maps. It simply implements java. io. Serializable, java.

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1 Answers

If you need only one key to get a value you have a plain old HashMap.

private Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<>();

map.put("key1.1", "value1");
map.put("key2.1", "value1");

And for get element you can do this:

String s = map.get("key1.1"); // s == "value1"

MultiKeyMap is required when both keys must be provided.

like image 56
Peter Lawrey Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 10:09

Peter Lawrey