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Multi-dimensional np.argmax?

I've got a 3D array of shape (n, n, g) and I'd need for every (n, n) the argmax, i.e. the result should be two index vectors (x, y) of length g each.

The intuitive solution would be:

array = np.random.uniform(size=[5, 5, 1000])
np.argmax(array, axis=[0, 1])

However, numpy does not support multiple axes as argument.

Is there a solution to get this result anyways?

like image 957
Hoeze Avatar asked Aug 16 '18 02:08


People also ask

What does argmax () do in Python?

argmax() function returns indices of the max element of the array in a particular axis. Return : Array of indices into the array with same shape as array. shape with the dimension along axis removed.

What is the difference between NP Max and NP argmax?

Essentially, the argmax function returns the index of the maximum value of a Numpy array. What is this? It's somewhat similar to the Numpy maximum function, but instead of returning the maximum value, it returns the index of the maximum value.

What is argmax of a matrix?

method matrix. argmax(axis=None, out=None)[source] Indexes of the maximum values along an axis. Return the indexes of the first occurrences of the maximum values along the specified axis.

What are multidimensional NumPy arrays?

A NumPy array is a homogeneous block of data organized in a multidimensional finite grid. All elements of the array share the same data type, also called dtype (integer, floating-point number, and so on). The shape of the array is an n-tuple that gives the size of each axis.

2 Answers

It seems you are looking to get two-dimensional (row,column) argmax indices for each flattened version of 2D slice with the first two axes merged/combined as to speak. So, the first block would be array[:,:,0] and so on and we need to need find argmax with that slice being flattened and retraced back to original 2D shape. So, to solve it, we can simply reshape to merge first two axes, get argmax along the first axis which is the merged one after reshaping and retrace back the original indices with np.unravel_index, like so -

array2D = array.reshape(-1,array.shape[-1])
r,c = np.unravel_index(array2D.argmax(0),array.shape[:2])

Sample run -

In [29]: array = np.random.uniform(size=[5, 5, 1000])

In [30]: array2D = array.reshape(-1,array.shape[-1])

In [31]: r,c = np.unravel_index(array2D.argmax(0),array.shape[:2])

In [32]: len(r), len(c)
Out[32]: (1000, 1000)

Let's verify results for the first 2D slice -

In [33]: array[:,:,0]
array([[0.81590174, 0.17919069, 0.22717883, 0.67863625, 0.97390595],
       [0.82096447, 0.05894774, 0.86379174, 0.13494354, 0.10003756],
       [0.37243189, 0.33714008, 0.21165031, 0.35910642, 0.15163255],
       [0.1376776 , 0.86866599, 0.43602004, 0.85421372, 0.77805012],
       [0.10519547, 0.7422571 , 0.35632275, 0.24168307, 0.76882613]])

In [34]: array[:,:,0].argmax() 
Out[34]: 4  # flattened index for 0.97390595 at (0,4) in the 2D slice

In [36]: r[0],c[0]
Out[36]: (0, 4)
like image 107
Divakar Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 03:09


Simple using vstack before argmax

Out[61]: array([4, 0], dtype=int64)
like image 22
BENY Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 03:09