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Multi-cursor Editing possibility in MATLAB Editor?




Is there a way to multiline edit code in matlab, Instead of copy-paste a single line repeatedly, or copy paste from matlab to visual studio editor to take advantage of the visual studio's alt + cursor select?

like image 869
Iancovici Avatar asked Mar 16 '16 12:03


People also ask

How do you edit multiple cursors?

A common way to add more cursors is with Shift+Alt+Down or Shift+Alt+Up that insert cursors below or above. Note: Your graphics card driver (for example NVIDIA) might overwrite these default shortcuts. Ctrl+D selects the word at the cursor, or the next occurrence of the current selection.

How do I select a multiline cursor?

Here is the way: Select the lines you want to have multiple cursors. Simply hit Alt + Shift - I .

1 Answers

Just a quick mention that MATLAB officially support multi-line cursor since R2018a, just hold Alt and hold left mouse button (also Alt+Shift in linux) to draw a column selection across multiple lines.

multi-line selection

like image 156
X Zhang Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 07:10

X Zhang