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Multi-Criteria search with CouchDB




How do I get data from CouchDB, filtering over multiple fields.

For example, if I have a person database with fields like Name, State, Country etc; and a search form on a web page, How do I get the data from CouchDB, considering only the non-null conditions.

in SQL, i would append conditions to the where clause WHERE Person.Name="John" AND Person.State in ("NY","CA"), but How do I frame this query as a CouchDB View

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Midhat Avatar asked Mar 07 '13 13:03


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What is indexing in CouchDB?

CouchDB is an optional, alternate state database that allows you to model data on the ledger as JSON and issue rich queries against data values rather than the keys. The CouchDB support also allows you to deploy indexes with your chaincode to make queries more efficient and enable you to query large datasets.

How do I check my CouchDB data?

You provide CouchDB with view functions as strings stored inside the views field of a design document. You don't run it yourself. Instead, when you query your view, CouchDB takes the source code and runs it for you on every document in the database your view was defined in.

What is difference between CouchDB vs MongoDB?

CouchDB accepts queries via a RESTful HTTP API, while MongoDB uses its own query language. CouchDB prioritizes availability, while MongoDB prioritizes consistency. MongoDB has a much larger user base than CouchDB, making it easier to find support and hire employees for this database solution.

1 Answers

In CouchDB you use map/reduce Views. In SQL you have to explicitly say for which field index will be create. In CouchDB you write custom function creating index, so it can be more specific for your needs. If you want the index for such a simple thing as a search with name, state and country fields the view is just a map function:

function (doc) {
  if (doc.name && doc.state && doc.country)
    emit([doc.name, doc.state, doc.country], doc);

To search using this view you search for the key ["my_name", "my_state", "my_country"]. You can use it for querying with subset of name, state and country as long as they are a prefix of emitted array (like, searching with name but not with state and country) because the searchable result of map is sorted lexicographically.

In principle, the view is index with some capabilities of the queries, not as flexible as SQL queries, though. They are executed once and stored on disk, and incrementally calculated for new/modified data. Mind that it is hard to do things that are inefficient in the distributed system (for which CouchDB is designed): more complicated joins, searching without index... Although, in many cases artificial division for tables in relational model in not necessary when structured documents are available and some of the joins are not needed.

For some brief comparison of CouchDB vs. SQL see this chapter of The Definitive Guide book and other chapters and the official wiki for more information about the views.

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Marcin Skórzewski Avatar answered Nov 09 '22 17:11

Marcin Skórzewski