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MSDN License (Development, Testing, Demo)



I have a question about my MSDN Premium Subscription. This is what I want to setup:

  1. Install Windows Server 2008 (maybe R2) on a Dev Box
  2. Install System Center Virtual Machine Manager 2008 (maybe R2) on the server.
  3. Create several VMs hosted on the server (and maybe some other machines).

I would then use the VMs to Develop, Test and Demo my software (Nothing else)

My question is, on which of these can I use the licenses downloaded from my Subscription? I think #3 is clearly in the scope of the Subscription, but is the Server OS License? Is the Virtual Machine Manager?

Any opinions would be welcome. Any facts (with supporting links or docs) would be very appreciated.

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Vaccano Avatar asked Jun 21 '09 19:06


1 Answers

From the main MSDN subscription page you can access the subscription information. The following was copied from that page. "Software Use Rights"

MSDN subscriptions are licensed on a per-user basis. One person can use the software to design, develop, test, or demonstrate his or her programs on any number of devices. Each person who uses the software this way needs a license.

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Kim Major Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 17:09

Kim Major