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MS Access Form Textbox not Editable



I have setup a textbox in a form in Access. The form is linked to a table. But the textbox it self is unbound, it is used to simply gather user input. However, I can't edit the value went it's viewed.

The textbox is not locked. The textbox can be set value in VBA. Textbox have no ControlSource. I can edit it in DesignView.

Any ideas?

like image 949
Bill Software Engineer Avatar asked Oct 19 '11 18:10

Bill Software Engineer

People also ask

How do I make a field non editable in Access?

Open the form in design mode and open the property sheet. For each control that you want to "disable", go to the Data Tab of the property sheet and set the Locked Property to Yes. The user will then be able to see the field but not edit it.

How do you create a bound text box in Access?

A quick way to create a bound text box is by dragging a field from the Field List pane onto your form or report. Access automatically creates a text box for fields of the following data types: Short Text. Long Text.

1 Answers

I think vba controls have two properties which can cause this. Locked and Enabled. Is the textbox enabled?

like image 152
steampowered Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 09:10
