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MQTT broker + mongoDB




How do i integrate MQTT broker with mongoDB ?

I publish gps co ordinates from a client to the broker and would like to store that in MQTT broker with mongoDB,

Would appreciate if some pointers are shared for the same

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user3690081 Avatar asked Jan 11 '23 11:01


2 Answers

If you want your broker to directly store the message reliably to the database, you could use HiveMQ and write a MongoDB plugin. The concept is described in this blog post.

Another idea would be to use a wildcard subscriber which gets all messages and stores that to MongoDB. That wouldn't be a direct integration but would work if you don't want to scale out.

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Dominik Obermaier Avatar answered Jan 19 '23 05:01

Dominik Obermaier

I searched around and didn't find any suitable solution for myself so I created one: https://github.com/izmailoff/mqtt-mongo.

See the README for all details. Essentially it's a standalone service that connects to MQTT broker and MongoDB and subscribes to the topics you are interested in. You can select a collection for each topic in the config.

The design goals are to have resilient, lightweight and fast service which you can also customize with code in Java/Scala or any JVM language that supports such integration.

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yǝsʞǝla Avatar answered Jan 19 '23 06:01
