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Moving UIView within Parent UIView (UIPanGestureRecognizer)

I am using the following code to move a UIImageView that is present inside of a UIView.

- (IBAction)handlePan:(UIPanGestureRecognizer *)recognizer {

CGPoint translation = [recognizer translationInView:self.view];
recognizer.view.center = CGPointMake(recognizer.view.center.x + translation.x,
                                     recognizer.view.center.y + translation.y);
[recognizer setTranslation:CGPointMake(0, 0) inView:self.view];


I would like to make it so that the UIView does not move outside of the parent view. At the minute the image view is able to move across the entire screen.

like image 441
ORStudios Avatar asked Jun 21 '13 12:06


1 Answers

First get the new frame of your UIImageView and check if it is completely inside its superView using CGRectContainsRect() method. If yes, then set UImageView's frame to new frame.

- (IBAction)handlePan:(UIPanGestureRecognizer *)recognizer {

    CGPoint translation = [recognizer translationInView:self.view];
    CGRect recognizerFrame = recognizer.view.frame;
    recognizerFrame.origin.x += translation.x;
    recognizerFrame.origin.y += translation.y; 

    // Check if UIImageView is completely inside its superView
    if (CGRectContainsRect(self.view.bounds, recognizerFrame)) {
        recognizer.view.frame = recognizerFrame;
    // Else check if UIImageView is vertically and/or horizontally outside of its
    // superView. If yes, then set UImageView's frame accordingly.
    // This is required so that when user pans rapidly then it provides smooth translation.
    else {
        // Check vertically
        if (recognizerFrame.origin.y < self.view.bounds.origin.y) {
            recognizerFrame.origin.y = 0;
        else if (recognizerFrame.origin.y + recognizerFrame.size.height > self.view.bounds.size.height) {
            recognizerFrame.origin.y = self.view.bounds.size.height - recognizerFrame.size.height;

        // Check horizantally
        if (recognizerFrame.origin.x < self.view.bounds.origin.x) {
            recognizerFrame.origin.x = 0;
        else if (recognizerFrame.origin.x + recognizerFrame.size.width > self.view.bounds.size.width) {
            recognizerFrame.origin.x = self.view.bounds.size.width - recognizerFrame.size.width;

    // Reset translation so that on next pan recognition
    // we get correct translation value
    [recognizer setTranslation:CGPointMake(0, 0) inView:self.view];

Make sure that you pass bounds of superView and frame of UIImageView so that both CGRects are in same coordinate system.

like image 70
Geek Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 00:09
