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Moving messages between queues rabbitMQ

I am looking to be able to move messages between queues (manually) in Rabbit.

For example:

first-queue has messages ['a','b','c','d','e','f']
second-queue has messages ['x','y']

I want to be able to move for example message 'a' to second-queue from first-queue. This can be a manual operation. Both queues are on the same broker, and I do not want to send them through any exchange. Is there anyway to do this? I have been playing with rabbitmqctl but can't seem to get it to work. I am open to any other tools that would allow me to accomplish this. Eventually I am hoping to have some sort of message selector (for example move all messages with some header field = X from first-queue to second-queue).

I am still new to rabbitmq and amqp but have been unable to find documentation on how to do this (if it is even possible).


like image 706
Dax Durax Avatar asked Mar 25 '14 20:03

Dax Durax

People also ask

Can RabbitMQ push messages?

Applications can subscribe to have RabbitMQ push enqueued messages (deliveries) to them. This is done by registering a consumer (subscription) on a queue. After a subscription is in place, RabbitMQ will begin delivering messages.

Is RabbitMQ pull or push?

RabbitMQ uses a push-based model with a smart producer, which means the producer decides when to push data. A prefetch limit is defined on the consumer to stop the producer from overwhelming consumers. Such a push-based approach is suited for low latency messaging.

1 Answers

You can create a shovel using this curl :

-u  "user:password" 
-vvv 'http://localhost:15672/api/parameters/shovel/%2Foms/Move%20from%20sourceQueue' 
-H 'content-type: application/json' 
--data-binary '
    "component": "shovel",
    "vhost": "/vhost",
    "name": "Move from sourceQueue",
    "value": {
        "src-uri": "amqp:///%2Fvhost",
        "src-queue": "sourceQueue",
        "src-protocol": "amqp091",
        "src-prefetch-count": 1000,
        "src-delete-after": "queue-length",
        "dest-protocol": "amqp091",
        "dest-uri": "amqp:///%2Fvhost",
        "dest-add-forward-headers": false,
        "ack-mode": "on-confirm",
        "dest-queue": "destQueue"
' --compressed
like image 165
Lho Ben Avatar answered Nov 16 '22 03:11

Lho Ben