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Moving From Eclipse to Visual Studio 2008


After working in Eclipse for the past 3 years and memorizing all of the great shortcut keys and features, my new job has me moving back to Visual Studio. I've found some listings of shortcut keys on VS, but am looking for a comprehensive guide mapping Eclipse features to Visual Studio. Does anyone know of a good tutorial aimed at helping Eclipse users transition to VS?

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Tony Lenzi Avatar asked Apr 22 '09 14:04

Tony Lenzi

2 Answers

Because of the lack of information out there on this, let's start a community wiki answer. Please add additional information on migration tips to this answer. Please avoid 3rd party plug-ins such as ReSharper in the answer.

Shortcut Keys

+----------------------+---------------------+---------------------+ |   Command            |   Eclipse shortcut  |   VS.NET shortcut   | +----------------------+---------------------+---------------------+ |   Delete line        |    Ctrl-D           |    Ctrl-L           | |   Comment line       |    Ctrl-/           |    Ctrl-K-C         | |   Uncomment line     |    Ctrl-/           |    Ctrl-K-U         | |   Toggle editor tabs |    Ctrl-F6          |    Ctrl-F6          | |   Goto Line          |    Ctrl-L           |    Ctrl-G           | |   Goto Definition    |    Ctrl-Click or F3 |    F12              | |   Find next          |    Ctrl-K           |    F3               | |   Find previous      |    Ctrl-Shift-K     |    Shift-F3         | |   Go backward        |    Alt-LeftArrow    |    Ctrl-minus       | |   Go forward         |    Alt-RightArrow   |    Ctrl-Shift-minus | |   Find usage         |    Ctrl-Shift-G     |    Ctrl-K-R         | |   Rename             |    Alt-Shift-R      |    Ctrl-R-R         | |   Refactor           |    Alt-Shift-T      |    none             | |   Open Type          |    Ctrl-Shift-T     |    Ctrl-,           | |   Navigate To        |    Ctrl-Shift-R     |    Ctrl-,           | +----------------------+---------------------+---------------------+ 
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6 revs, 5 users 50% Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 05:09

6 revs, 5 users 50%

This will sound flippant, but assuming you're going to be using C#, the most important point is: buy ReSharper. At that point you'll have a lot of what you're used to - integrated unit tests, find resource, find type (with Camel-casing etc), better Intellisense and more.

After that, learn that the most important keyboard shortcuts are Ctrl-. for "give me the list of things you can do for me automatically" and Alt-Enter which is the same but for ReSharper suggestions.

There are various ReSharper and VS shortcut key cheat sheets on the web - I suspect you can find those as quickly as I can :)

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Jon Skeet Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 05:09

Jon Skeet