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Move window from second screen to the main when the second screen is not visible [closed]


I use a VPN and Windows remote desktop to log onto my Windows XP work computer from my Win Vista 64 home computer. The only problem is that I sometimes forget to move all my important windows over to the main screen when I leave work. Does anyone know a way I can move the windows over to the main window without being able to see them? So far the only way I know how to do this is by closing them and reopening, which is not an option for tests that has been running for multiple hours.

I have seen a few non-free desktop management tools online but I don't want to pay to solve something so simple.

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nash Avatar asked May 06 '09 16:05


People also ask

How do I move the hidden window to the main screen?

Hold down the Shift key, then right-click on the appropriate application icon in the Windows taskbar. On the resulting pop-up, select the Move option. Begin pressing the arrow keys on your keyboard to move the invisible window from off-screen to on-screen.

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You can do this by pressing Alt+Tab until that window is active or clicking the associated taskbar button. After you've got the window active, Shift+right-click the taskbar button (because just right-clicking will open the app's jumplist instead) and choose the “Move” command from the context menu.

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In Windows 10, 8, 7, and Vista, hold down the “Shift” key while right-clicking the program in the taskbar, then select “Move“. In Windows XP, right-click the item in the task-bar and select “Move“. In some instances, you may have to select “Restore“, then go back and select “Move“.

1 Answers

Right click on window in taskbar, choose Move and use arrow keys to move the window.

Optionally you can press Alt + Space when window is in focus to bring up the same menu with Move.

Window can't be maximized in order to move but you can Restore it using same menu.

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Mahtar Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 22:10
