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Move the cursor in a C program


I'd like to move the cursor forward and backwards in a C program. I'm reading the whole line in a loop, but i would like that if a cursor key gets pressed the cursor on the screen changes position, without blocking the loop. I tried getwch() but it blocks the caller until enter it's pressed. What i'm looking for is a behavior similar to bash prompt. I'm reading with a code similar to this:

while (TRUE) {    printf("%s", PROMPT);    fgets(input, 1024, stdin);    do_something(input); } 

I'm trying that the function above works like readline(PROMPT) on the readline.h library

like image 742
Rolando Urquiza Avatar asked Oct 08 '15 20:10

Rolando Urquiza

People also ask

What is cursor in C?

1) A cursor is the position indicator on a computer display screen where a user can enter text. In an operating system with a graphical user interface (GUI), the cursor is also a visible and moving pointer that the user controls with a mouse, touch pad, or similar input device.

What is Gotoxy () function used in C?

The gotoxy() function places the cursor at the desired location on the screen. This means it is possible to change the cursor location on the screen using the gotoxy() function. It is basically used to print text wherever the cursor is moved.

1 Answers

Using termios and console-codes (VT100 compatible - not portable):

#include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <termios.h> #include <unistd.h>  #define cursorforward(x) printf("\033[%dC", (x)) #define cursorbackward(x) printf("\033[%dD", (x))  #define KEY_ESCAPE  0x001b #define KEY_ENTER   0x000a #define KEY_UP      0x0105 #define KEY_DOWN    0x0106 #define KEY_LEFT    0x0107 #define KEY_RIGHT   0x0108  static struct termios term, oterm;  static int getch(void); static int kbhit(void); static int kbesc(void); static int kbget(void);  static int getch(void) {     int c = 0;      tcgetattr(0, &oterm);     memcpy(&term, &oterm, sizeof(term));     term.c_lflag &= ~(ICANON | ECHO);     term.c_cc[VMIN] = 1;     term.c_cc[VTIME] = 0;     tcsetattr(0, TCSANOW, &term);     c = getchar();     tcsetattr(0, TCSANOW, &oterm);     return c; }  static int kbhit(void) {     int c = 0;      tcgetattr(0, &oterm);     memcpy(&term, &oterm, sizeof(term));     term.c_lflag &= ~(ICANON | ECHO);     term.c_cc[VMIN] = 0;     term.c_cc[VTIME] = 1;     tcsetattr(0, TCSANOW, &term);     c = getchar();     tcsetattr(0, TCSANOW, &oterm);     if (c != -1) ungetc(c, stdin);     return ((c != -1) ? 1 : 0); }  static int kbesc(void) {     int c;      if (!kbhit()) return KEY_ESCAPE;     c = getch();     if (c == '[') {         switch (getch()) {             case 'A':                 c = KEY_UP;                 break;             case 'B':                 c = KEY_DOWN;                 break;             case 'C':                 c = KEY_LEFT;                 break;             case 'D':                 c = KEY_RIGHT;                 break;             default:                 c = 0;                 break;         }     } else {         c = 0;     }     if (c == 0) while (kbhit()) getch();     return c; }  static int kbget(void) {     int c;      c = getch();     return (c == KEY_ESCAPE) ? kbesc() : c; }  int main(void) {     int c;      while (1) {         c = kbget();         if (c == KEY_ENTER || c == KEY_ESCAPE || c == KEY_UP || c == KEY_DOWN) {             break;         } else         if (c == KEY_RIGHT) {             cursorbackward(1);         } else         if (c == KEY_LEFT) {             cursorforward(1);         } else {             putchar(c);         }     }     printf("\n");     return 0; } 
like image 137
David Ranieri Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 06:10

David Ranieri