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Move message from Dead Letter queue to Outgoing queue MSMQ



I have some messages in the system dead letter queue. I want to move it to the outgoing queue. But even though I am an admin on the box , I am unable to do so. I also tried using a tool by the name queue explorer but was unable to do so. Is there a way out ?

like image 702
Prashant Avatar asked Jan 03 '11 16:01


1 Answers

This is easily done with QueueExplorer.

Open QueueExplorer and view the dead letter queue where the dead letter messages are (we will call this SERVER A). Sort by destination queue to make this easy.

Open another copy of QueueExplorer, to the server where the queues you wish to move the dead letter entries to are located (SERVER B).

In the first QueueExplorer window, select all the files for X destination (SERVER A). Then, simply drag these into the queue they are supposed to go to in the other QueueExplorer window you opened (SERVER B). This is the easiest way to move stuff from the Dead Letter queue to the correct queue without doing it programatically.

like image 122
WiredEarp Avatar answered Jan 01 '23 19:01
