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mouseleave event does not work in absolute child element

I have menu list like

<ul class="systeMenus">

The first ul tag is opening from some other onmouseover event of the link in another frameset frame.

The 2 ul opens by CSS display:block;position:absolute; left:175px; to parent li just like one menu appears inside parent li tag and hides at onmouseout event on the same tag li.

How can I hide these both the ULs when mouseenter on body. As I tried $('body').mouseenter and parent $('ul.systeMenus').mouseleave. Since I am getting problem on both of the implementation.

Any help is appreciated.Kindly provide the solution.

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nas Avatar asked Nov 14 '22 00:11


1 Answers

Try using the hover in jquery

Something like that :

$("ul").hover(function(){ //triggered on mouseEnter}, function(){ //triggered on MouseLeave});

I've got a problem in IE one time with mouseEnter and mouseLeave, the hover fixed it.

If it's not working post a fiddle. But by now maybe you have fixed your problem.

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GregM Avatar answered Dec 19 '22 14:12
