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Most Pythonic way to multiply these two vectors?

I have two ndarrays with shapes:

A = (32,512,640)

B = (4,512)

I need to multiply A and B such that I get a new ndarray:

C = (4,32,512,640)

Another way to think of it is that each row of vector B is multiplied along axis=-2 of A, which results in a new 1,32,512,640 cube. Each row of B can be looped over forming 1,32,512,640 cubes, which can then be used to build C up by using np.concatenate or np.vstack, such as:

# Sample inputs, where the dimensions aren't necessarily known
a = np.arange(32*512*465, dtype='f4').reshape((32,512,465))
b = np.ones((4,512), dtype='f4')

# Using a loop
d = []
for row in b:
    d.append(np.expand_dims(row[None,:,None]*a, axis=0))

# Or using list comprehension
d = [np.expand_dims(row[None,:,None]*a,axis=0) for row in b]

# Stacking the final list
result = np.vstack(d)

But I am wondering if it's possible to use something like np.einsum or np.tensordot to get this vectorized all in one line. I'm still learning how to use those two methods, so I'm not sure if it's appropriate here.


like image 900
wolfblade87 Avatar asked Jun 08 '18 16:06


People also ask

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To multiply a vector by a scalar, multiply each component by the scalar. If →u=⟨u1,u2⟩ has a magnitude |→u| and direction d , then n→u=n⟨u1,u2⟩=⟨nu1,nu2⟩ where n is a positive real number, the magnitude is |n→u| , and its direction is d .

1 Answers

We can leverage broadcasting after extending the dimensions of B with None/np.newaxis -

C = A * B[:,None,:,None]

With einsum, it would be -

C = np.einsum('ijk,lj->lijk',A,B)

There's no sum-reduction happening here, so einsum won't be any better than the explicit-broadcasting one. But since, we are looking for Pythonic solution, that could be used, once we get past its string notation.

Let's get some timings to finish things off -

In [15]: m,n,r,p = 32,512,640,4
    ...: A = np.random.rand(m,n,r)
    ...: B = np.random.rand(p,n)

In [16]: %timeit A * B[:,None,:,None]
10 loops, best of 3: 80.9 ms per loop

In [17]: %timeit np.einsum('ijk,lj->lijk',A,B)
10 loops, best of 3: 109 ms per loop

# Original soln
In [18]: %%timeit
    ...: d = []
    ...: for row in B:
    ...:     d.append(np.expand_dims(row[None,:,None]*A, axis=0))
    ...: result = np.vstack(d)
10 loops, best of 3: 130 ms per loop

Leverage multi-core

We could leverage multi-core capability of numexpr, which is suited for arithmetic operations and large data and thus gain some performance boost here. Let's time with it -

In [42]: import numexpr as ne

In [43]: B4D = B[:,None,:,None] # this is virtually free

In [44]: %timeit ne.evaluate('A*B4D')
10 loops, best of 3: 64.6 ms per loop

In one-line as : ne.evaluate('A*B4D',{'A':A,'B4D' :B[:,None,:,None]}).

Related post on how to control multi-core functionality.

like image 145
Divakar Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 12:10
