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Most Element in Array Divide-And-Conquer O(N.log(N))

An array a [], with N elements, admitting repeated, is said to "contain a v element mostly" if more than half of its content equals v. Given the array a [], it is intended to draw an efficient algorithm (at time N.log (N) and using divide-and-conquer) to check if it contains a majority element and to determine it. Consider the only available comparison operation between elements of the array, is the equality (a [i] == a [j]), performed in constant time. (Hint: In the algorithm, divide the array to [] into two subarrays a1 [] and a2 [], each one half the size of a []. If the element in most of a [] is v, then v must be also the element in majority of a1 [], or a2 [] or both).

int main() {

    int a[12] = {5, 9, 3, 13, 5, 21, 5, 7, 17, 12, 5, 6};
    int N = 12, lo = 0, hi = N - 1, mid,i,j;

    mid = lo + (hi - lo) / 2;
    int n1 = mid - lo + 1;
    int n2 =  hi - mid;
    int a1[n1],a2[n2];

    /* Copy data to temp arrays a1[] and a2[] */
    for (i = 0; i < n1; i++)
        a1[i] = a[lo + i];
    for (j = 0; j < n2; j++)
        a2[j] = a[mid+1+j];

    while (i < n1 && j < n2) {


        }else if(){



    return 0;

Im having troubles on the way I should proceed using the operation of equality comparing the auxiliar arrays to see if the most element is on a1[] or a2[] or both!

like image 379
CodeOnce Avatar asked Feb 02 '18 12:02


People also ask

Is divide and conquer log n?

The Divide and Conquer algorithm solves the problem in O(N log N) time. Strassen's Algorithm is an efficient algorithm to multiply two matrices. A simple method to multiply two matrices needs 3 nested loops and is O(n^3). Strassen's algorithm multiplies two matrices in O(n^2.8974) time.

1 Answers

Here's a Python implementation that fits the description (sorry, I'm not versed in C but I think it's pretty straightforward code). We can follow the logged return values and indexes for each section that's examined to make sense of how it works.

# Returns v if v is a majority;
# otherwise, returns None
def f(arr, low, high):
  if low == high:
    return arr[low]

  if low + 1 == high:
    return arr[low] if arr[low] == arr[high] else None

  n = high - low + 1
  mid = (low + high) / 2

  l = f(arr, low, mid)
  r = f(arr, mid + 1, high)

  print 'n: ' + str(n) + '; l: ' + str(l) + '; r: ' + str(r) + '; L: ' + str((low, mid)) + '; R: ' + str((mid + 1, high))

  if l == r:
    return l

  counts = [0, 0]

  for i in xrange(low, high + 1):
    if arr[i] == l:
      counts[0] = counts[0] + 1
    if arr[i] == r:
      counts[1] = counts[1] + 1

  if l and counts[0] * 2 > n:
    return l

  if r and counts[1] * 2 > n:
    return r

  return None


a = [5, 9, 3, 5, 5, 21, 5, 7, 17, 5, 5, 5]

print f(a, 0, len(a) - 1)

n: 3; l: None; r: 3; L: (0, 1); R: (2, 2)
n: 3; l: 5; r: 21; L: (3, 4); R: (5, 5)
n: 6; l: None; r: 5; L: (0, 2); R: (3, 5)
n: 3; l: None; r: 17; L: (6, 7); R: (8, 8)
n: 3; l: 5; r: 5; L: (9, 10); R: (11, 11)
n: 6; l: None; r: 5; L: (6, 8); R: (9, 11)
n: 12; l: None; r: 5; L: (0, 5); R: (6, 11)
like image 73
גלעד ברקן Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 06:10

גלעד ברקן