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More efficient or more modern? Reading in & Sorting A Text File With Java


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What is effective and efficient reading?

Reading more effectively and efficiently means developing a watertight process to capture ideas, analyse arguments, and ask the right questions. It means identifying the right books to read, understanding the different reading goals, and using evidence-based techniques to increase reading productivity.

What is the meaning of efficient reading?

What is it? Reading efficiency is a critical component of reading proficiency. An efficient reading process is fluent and feels easy and comfortable. Efficient readers can read for extended periods of time with good comprehension because they expend little energy on the mechanics of reading.

I've been trying to upgrade my Java skills to use more of Java 5 & Java 6. I've been playing around with some programming exercises. I was asked to read in a paragraph from a text file and output a sorted (descending) list of words and output the count of each word.

My code is below.

My questions are:

  1. Is my file input routine the most respectful of JVM resources?

  2. Is it possible to cut steps out in regards to reading the file contents and getting the content into a collection that can make a sorted list of words?

  3. Am I using the Collection classes and interface the most efficient way I can?

Thanks much for any opinions. I'm just trying to have some fun and improve my programming skills.

import java.io.*;
import  java.util.*;

public class Sort
    public static void main(String[] args)
        String   sUnsorted       = null;
        String[] saSplit         = null;

        int iCurrentWordCount    = 1;
        String currentword       = null;
        String pastword          = "";

        // Read the text file into a string
        sUnsorted = readIn("input1.txt");

        // Parse the String by white space into String array of single words
        saSplit   = sUnsorted.split("\\s+");

        // Sort the String array in descending order
        java.util.Arrays.sort(saSplit, Collections.reverseOrder());

        // Count the occurences of each word in the String array
        for (int i = 0; i < saSplit.length; i++ )

            currentword = saSplit[i];

            // If this word was seen before, increase the count & print the
            // word to stdout
            if ( currentword.equals(pastword) )
                iCurrentWordCount ++;
            // Output the count of the LAST word to stdout,
            // Reset our counter
            else if (!currentword.equals(pastword))

                if ( !pastword.equals("") )

                    System.out.println("Word Count for " + pastword + ": " + iCurrentWordCount);


                System.out.println(currentword );
                iCurrentWordCount = 1;


            pastword = currentword;  
        }// end for loop

       // Print out the count for the last word processed
       System.out.println("Word Count for " + currentword + ": " + iCurrentWordCount);

    }// end funciton main()

    // Read The Input File Into A String      
    public static String readIn(String infile)
        String result = " ";

            FileInputStream file = new FileInputStream (infile);
            DataInputStream in   = new DataInputStream (file);
            byte[] b             = new byte[ in.available() ];

            in.readFully (b);
            in.close ();

            result = new String (b, 0, b.length, "US-ASCII");

        catch ( Exception e )

        return result;
    }// end funciton readIn()

}// end class Sort()

//  Updated Copy 1, Based On The Useful Comments

import java.io.*;
import java.util.*;

public class Sort2
    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception
        // Scanner will tokenize on white space, like we need
        Scanner scanner               = new Scanner(new FileInputStream("input1.txt"));
        ArrayList <String> wordlist   = new  ArrayList<String>();
        String currentword            = null;   
        String pastword               = null;
        int iCurrentWordCount         = 1;       

        while (scanner.hasNext())
            wordlist.add(scanner.next() );

        // Sort in descending natural order

        for ( String temp : wordlist )
            currentword = temp;

            // If this word was seen before, increase the count & print the
            // word to stdout
            if ( currentword.equals(pastword) )
                iCurrentWordCount ++;
            // Output the count of the LAST word to stdout,
            // Reset our counter
            else //if (!currentword.equals(pastword))
                if ( pastword != null )
                    System.out.println("Count for " + pastword + ": " +  

                System.out.println(currentword );
                iCurrentWordCount = 1;    

            pastword = currentword;  
        }// end for loop

        System.out.println("Count for " + currentword + ": " + iCurrentWordCount);

    }// end funciton main()

}// end class Sort2