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Moq setting method return value

I have the below class, and I am trying to test the method AddRecordToQueue.

I am using Moq to mock the result of the the AddToQueue method within the AddRecordToQueue method.

The AddToQueue method returns a boolean, so i am trying to mock the result with a true value

public class Test {     private readonly IRabbitMqConnection rabbitMqConnection;      public Test(IRabbitMqConnection rabbitMqConnection)     {         this.rabbitMqConnection = rabbitMqConnection;      }      public bool AddRecordToQueue(string messageExchange, object data)     {         var jsonified = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(data);         var customerBuffer = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(jsonified);         var result = this.rabbitMqConnection.AddToQueue(customerBuffer, messageExchange);         return result;     } } 

My test class looks like the below.

[TestClass] public class TestCon {     [TestMethod]     public void MockTest()     {         Moq.Mock<IRabbitMqConnection> rabbitConection = new Moq.Mock<IRabbitMqConnection>();          var draftContactsManager = new Test(rabbitConection.Object);          rabbitConection.Setup(e => e.AddToQueue(null, string.Empty)).Returns((bool res) => true);          var result = draftContactsManager.AddRecordToQueue("someExchange", null);          Assert.IsTrue(result);     } } 

I cant seem to set the moq result as true. Can anyone advise what I am missing


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level_zebra Avatar asked Sep 17 '15 14:09


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2 Answers

I think that you need to change the Returns to just return true instead of the lambda. Like this:

rabbitConection.Setup(e => e.AddToQueue(null, string.Empty)).Returns(true) 


If this still doesn't work then it is probably due to the parameters not matching. You are passing in "someExchange" but the mock is set up for string.Empty. If you aren't sure what values will be used you could use the It.IsAny method to get around this.

rabbitConection.Setup(e => e.AddToQueue(It.IsAny<byte[]>(), It.IsAny<string>())).Returns(true) 
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TomDoesCode Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 21:09


You need to setup the method with the actual arguments it's invoked. If JsonConvert.SerializeObject(data) returns null, then this is the setup:

rabbitConection.Setup(e => e.AddToQueue(null, "someExchange")).Returns(true) 

Additionally, you can setup the method to return true/false regardless of values of the arguments:

rabbitConection.Setup(e => e.AddToQueue(It.IsAny<byte[]>(), It.IsAny<string>())).Returns(true) 

With the above setup, the method will return true no matter what what you've passed to the method. The previous example will return true only when the method is called with the setuped arguments.

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Dimitar Tsonev Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 21:09

Dimitar Tsonev