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Moq - How to verify that a property value is set via the setter

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How do you set a mock object property?

You can set the mock object property to the value returned by the mock object method. To achieve this, specify separate behaviors for the method and the property. You can specify one behavior at a time. For more information about mock object behavior, see Specify Mock Object Behavior.

What does MOQ setup do?

Moq provides a library that makes it simple to set up, test, and verify mocks. We can start by creating an instance of the class we're testing, along with a mock of an interface we want to use.

How do you private a mock variable in C#?

Make a protected getter for this private variable, and override it in testing subclass to return a mock object instead of the actual private variable. Create a protected factory method for creating ISnapshot object, and override it in testing subclass to return an instance of a mock object instead of the real one.

What is verifiable in MOQ?

'Setup' mocks a method and 'Returns' specify what the mocked method should return. 'Verifiable' marks this expectation to verified at the end when Verify or VerifyAll is called i.e. whether AddIncomePeriod was called with an object of IncomePeriod and if it returned the same output.

The following should work. Configure your mock object as:

var mock=new Mock<IContent>();
mock.SetupSet(content => content.IsCheckedOut=It.IsAny<bool>()).Verifiable();

And after the test code:

mock.VerifySet(content => content.IsCheckedOut=It.IsAny<bool>());

I haven't tested it anyway, so please tell me if it works for you.

EDIT. Indeed, this will not work since the setter for IsCheckedOut is false.

Anyway, now I see that you never set the value of IsCheckedOut at class construction time. It would be a good idea to add the following to the Content class:

public Content()

Mock mockContect = new Mock<Cotent>(); 
mockContent.VerifySet(x => x.IsCheckedOut, Times.Once());

Will that do the trick? Not sure how the private setter comes in to play as havent tested that. but works for my public setter.

Got this from: http://www.codethinked.com/post/2009/03/10/Beginning-Mocking-With-Moq-3-Part-2.aspx

why don't you simply set up the content to be checked out to start with? Remember, you are only testing the behaviour of the CheckIn function.

public void CheckInSetsCheckedOutStatusToFalse()
    // arrange - create a checked out item
    Content c = new Content();

    // act - check it in

    // assert - IsCheckedOut should be set back to false
    Assert.AreEqual(false, c.IsCheckedOut);

Can I suggest that you might be thinking about this in the wrong way - generally you should be setting something up, performing an action and then checking the behaviour (result). In this case does it really matter that it wasn't set to false by the setter - what should matter is that it is false in after a given scenario has been exercised. If you take tests in isolation this might seem a bit odd, but for anything your tests will exist in sets.

The situation would be different if you were testing the interaction between two classes - then it would be fine to set up an expectation on the property setter - as the setting action is the interaction you're testing.

I'm not familiar with Moq as I use Rhino.Mocks - but I'm guessing there'll be something along the lines of mock.VerifySet(content => content.IsCheckedOut=It.IsEqual(true));