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MonoTouch: uncaughtExceptionHandler?

In MonoTouch, how do I register an uncaught exception handler (or similar function)

In Obj-C:

void uncaughtExceptionHandler(NSException *exception) {
      [FlurryAnalytics logError:@"Uncaught" message:@"Crash!" exception:exception];

- (void)applicationDidFinishLaunching:(UIApplication *)application { 
     [FlurryAnalytics startSession:@" "];
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Ian Vink Avatar asked Feb 29 '12 00:02

Ian Vink

1 Answers

    public delegate void NSUncaughtExceptionHandler(IntPtr exception);

    private static extern void NSSetUncaughtExceptionHandler(IntPtr handler);

    // This is the main entry point of the application.
    private static void Main(string[] args)
                Marshal.GetFunctionPointerForDelegate(new NSUncaughtExceptionHandler(MyUncaughtExceptionHandler)));


    private static void MyUncaughtExceptionHandler(IntPtr exception)
        var e = new NSException(exception);
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Alex Avatar answered Nov 14 '22 10:11
