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Mongoose Sub-documents on separate files, how to embed them

I'm defining my application models and i have separate files for each model that i'm defining, my question is, i need to create a model that use a sub-document, but that's on another file, how can i use that Schema on my model ? what i mean is that all examples i've seen declare the Child model and the Parent on the same file, example:

var childSchema = new Schema({ name: 'string' });  var parentSchema = new Schema({   children: [childSchema] }); 

I have one file called user.js that defines the user model :

var mongoose  = require('mongoose'); var Schema    = mongoose.Schema;  var userSchema = new Schema({    _id           : Schema.Types.ObjectId,   username      : String,  });   module.exports = mongoose.model( 'User', userSchema ); 

And on another file called sport.js i have the other model definition for the sports:

var mongoose  = require('mongoose'); var Schema    = mongoose.Schema;  var sportSchema = new Schema({    _id       : Schema.Types.ObjectId,   name      : String  });  module.exports = mongoose.model( 'Sport', sportSchema ); 

So on my user model I need to define a field for the sports that the user will follow, but i do not know how to define that sub-document since the sports definition is on another file, I tried this:

var mongoose  = require('mongoose'); var Schema    = mongoose.Schema; var SportsModel = require('sport');  var userSchema = new Schema({    _id           : Schema.Types.ObjectId,   username      : String,  sports         : [SportsModel]  });   module.exports = mongoose.model( 'User', userSchema ); 

But i'm not sure if that's the correct way since what i'm exporting is the model, not the Schema.

Thanks in advance, i want to define each model on separate files to maintain order.

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kevinblanco Avatar asked Dec 10 '13 17:12


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1 Answers

You can access a Model's schema via its schema property. So this should work:

var userSchema = new Schema({       _id           : Schema.Types.ObjectId,   username      : String,   sports        : [SportsModel.schema]     }); 
like image 182
JohnnyHK Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 10:10
