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Mongoose Schema for geoJson coordinates

I tried to create a schema for geojson but have had some problems with syntax for coordinates.

Here's my current code:

var DataSchema = new Schema({
  properties: {
    title:       { type: String, required: true },
    description: { type: String, required: true },
    date:        { type:Date, default:Date.now }
  geometry: {
       coordinates: []

I tried using [] (empty array), it creates '' and [Number,Number] but it doesn't work.

My question is: how do I have to construct my schema so as result I will get

coordinates: [ 3.43434343, 5.543434343 ]

without quotation marks, is this possible?

Express Route

   app.post('/mountain_rescue',  function (req, res){

      new rescueData({properties:{title: req.body.title, description:  req.body.description},geometry:{
     coordinates:req.body.coordinates}}).save(function (e, result) {


<div id="AddingPanel">
  <form method="post" action="mountain_rescue" >
      Title:<input type="text" name="title">
      Description:<textarea type="text" name="description"></textarea>
      Coordinates:<input type="text" name="coordinates">
      <button type="submit">Add</button>

like image 626
IOR88 Avatar asked Feb 26 '15 17:02


3 Answers

A GeoJSON field has to be included a geometry type as a string. So a GeoJSON field must be defined like the following;

geometry: { type: { type: String }, coordinates: [Number] }

or if you want to define a default value you might use the below line;

geometry: { type: { type: String, default:'Point' }, coordinates: [Number] }

Good luck..

like image 157
efkan Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 07:10


Like this;

var DataSchema = new Schema({
  properties: {
    title:       { type: String, required: true },
    description: { type: String, required: true },
    date:        { type:Date, default:Date.now }
  geometry: {
    coordinates: { type: [Number], index: '2dsphere'}

Here is your update route handler, it converts coordinates string to number array;

app.post('/mountain_rescue',  function (req, res) {
  new rescueData({
    properties: {
      title: req.body.title, description: req.body.description
    geometry: {
  }).save(function (e, result) {
like image 28
Safi Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 07:10


try this:

var DataSchema = new Schema({
  properties: {
    title:       { type: String, required: true },
    description: { type: String, required: true },
    date:        { type:Date, default:Date.now }
  geometry: {
       coordinates: {type: Array, required: true}
like image 36
siavolt Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 07:10
