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Mongoose Querying Views


I'm currently using mongoose v. 5.25, against mongoDB v.3.6.

My application is supposed to query data from many different views, for instance, a view I currently have at my DB: db.joboffers_view.find()

will return many records that have been aggregated from different collections.

For a normal collection model, I query it like so:

 const model = db.model(attribute);
 /*where attribute, can be any registered schema */
       then((result) => {
       catch((err) => {

Then way I register my models is something like this (simplified code):

//abstracting boring connection methods
const db = mongoose.connection

//simple model schema
const users_schema = {
   _id: ObjectId,
   another_field: String

//here I'm registering a schema for a VIEW, instead of normal collection
const view_schema = {
   _id: ObjectId,
   another_field: String

db.model('users', users_schema);
db.model('view', view_schema);

When I run a query from any of my registered models, I get the results just fine. However, when I run it against a model that represents a view on my mongo database, it returns an empty array.

No errors, no nothing, just an empty array.

I have looked through mongoose documentation, and I didn't find any specific method or pattern for querying a view, instead of a collection data.

It seems to be the same way I would do for any other collection I have in my system.

Am I missing something?

like image 391
Former User of Mine Avatar asked Jul 26 '18 18:07

Former User of Mine

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1 Answers

I also faced the same issue and figured out the problem is that mongoose, by default, reads collection names by pluralizing the model/view name.

So when you create any view and want to use it in mongoose, either make sure your view name is plural (add s to end of view name) or pass a collection name when initializing a schema.


const users_schema = {
   _id: ObjectId,
   another_field: String
mongoose.model('vw_user_info', users_schema, 'vw_user_info');
like image 106
Om Prakash Sharma Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 17:09

Om Prakash Sharma