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mongoose findOne with sorting

I have a problem with a mongo request:

        sort: {
            date_register: -1
    function(err, result) {

I have

{ [MongoError: Error: Unsupported projection option: date_register] name: 'MongoError' }

as error

I'd like to get my users by date_register DESC


like image 927
Ajouve Avatar asked Nov 18 '12 18:11


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Can we use sort with findOne in MongoDB?

findOne(selector) only returns one result from the collection based on the selector and does not allow you to sort. Adding . fetch().

What is findOne in Mongoose?

Mongoose | findOne() Function The findOne() function is used to find one document according to the condition. If multiple documents match the condition, then it returns the first document satisfying the condition.

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If you want to query by a document's _id, use findById() instead of findOne() . Both functions trigger findOne() , the only difference is how they treat undefined . If you use findOne() , you'll see that findOne(undefined) and findOne({ _id: undefined }) are equivalent to findOne({}) and return arbitrary documents.

What is sort in Mongoose?

sort() takes an object as parameter where the values are 1 or -1. Use -1 for descending order and 1 for ascending.

1 Answers

This will vary slightly depending on your version of mongoose, but the method signature for findOne looks something like this:

function findOne (conditions, fields, options, callback)

What you intend as options (the sort), mongoose is handling as fields (which fields to load).

You might try explicitly passing null for fields:

models.user.findOne({}, null, { sort: { date_register: -1 } }, callback);

But if you can, you should probably use the query API, which is clearer, like:

models.user.findOne({}).sort({ date_register: -1 }).exec(callback);
like image 55
numbers1311407 Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 01:09
