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Mongoose .find() method causes requests to hang

I have this route defined, but any requests made to it get's stuck on 'pending' and runs forever.

When I log the code, I see 1 followed by 4, which means the code inside the find method never gets executed

  # Calendar routes
  router.get '/calendars', (req, res) ->
    console.log '1'
    Calendar.find (err, calendars) ->
      console.log "2" + err
      console.log "3" + calendars
      res.send(err) if err
    console.log '4'


mongoose = require("mongoose")

module.exports = mongoose.model("Calendar",
  name: String

Any ideas on why this is?

like image 328
Tarlen Avatar asked Dec 06 '14 11:12


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The simple and easy way is to use the $in operator. The $in operator takes an array as its value. And $in operator, in turn, is assigned to the field according to which the filtration is to be done. Let's use the $in operator.

1 Answers

Until you call mongoose.connect, your mongoose queries will simply be queued up.

Add code like this in your startup code to connect:

mongoose.connect('mongodb://localhost/test', function(err) {
    if (err) {
    } else {

In the connection string, replace test with the name of your database.

like image 124
JohnnyHK Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 09:09
