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MongoDB: Unique and sparse compound indexes with sparse values



I'm trying to store the following link:

URL = {
  hostname: 'i.imgur.com',
  webid: 'qkELz.jpg'

I want a unique and sparse compound index on these two fields because:

  1. A combination of hostname and webid should be unique.
  2. webid will always be queried with hostname.
  3. webid need not be globally unique.
  4. A URL need not have a webid.

However, when I do this, I get the following error:

MongoError: E11000 duplicate key error index: db.urls.$hostname_1_webid_1  dup key: { : "imgur.com", : null }

I guess in the case of compound indexes, nulls are counted, whereas in regular indexes, they are not.

Any way out of this problem? For now I'm just going to index hostname and webid separately.

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Jonathan Ong Avatar asked Jul 08 '12 21:07

Jonathan Ong

Video Answer

1 Answers

Keep in mind that mongodb can only use one index per query (it won't join indexes together to make a query on two fields that have separate indexes faster).

That said, if you want to try to check for uniqueness, you could do a query from the app before inserting (which only partially solves the problem, because there's a gap between when you query and when you insert).

You might want to vote on this JIRA issue for filtered indexes, which will probably help your use case: https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-785

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Eve Freeman Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 22:10

Eve Freeman