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Mongodb setting unique field

  { "_ID" : 11, NAME : "ruben", OPERATION :[{OPERATION_ID: 100, NAME : "Check"}] }

how to set the OPERATION_ID has unique to avoid duplicate values and to avoid null values like primary key?

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Ramya Avatar asked Sep 12 '12 19:09


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1 Answers

When you want the OPERATION_IDs to be unique for all tenants, then you can do it like that:

db.tenants.ensureIndex( { operation.OPERATION_ID : 1 }, { unique:true, sparse:true } );

When you want the OPERATION_IDs to be unique per tenant, so that two tenants can both have the operation_ID:100 but no tenant can have operation_id:100 twice, you have to add the _id of the tenant to the index so that any given combination of _id and operation_id is unique.

db.tenants.ensureIndex( { _id: 1, operation.OPERATION_ID : 1 }, { unique:true, sparse:true } );
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Philipp Avatar answered Nov 11 '22 22:11
