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MongoDB service not running in Fedora


Just installed a clean version of mongodb on Fedora 17 64-bit, but the Mongo service wont run.

I followed these instructions during installation


service mongod start 

results in

Starting mongod (via systemctl):  Job failed. See system journal and 'systemctl status' for details.  [FAILED] 

So I ran

systemctl status mongod.service 

which gives me

mongod.service - SYSV: Mongo is a scalable, document-oriented database.   Loaded: loaded (/etc/rc.d/init.d/mongod)   Active: failed (Result: exit-code) since Mon, 18 Jun 2012 13:15:56 +0200; 58s ago  Process: 13584 ExecStart=/etc/rc.d/init.d/mongod start (code=exited, status=1/FAILURE)   CGroup: name=systemd:/system/mongod.service 

Mongo logs in /var/log/mongo/mongod.log is empty


like image 264
QuirijnGB Avatar asked Jun 18 '12 11:06


People also ask

Why MongoDB server is not starting?

We found that the reason for this error was the dbpath variable in /etc/mongodb. conf. Previously, the default value for dbpath was /data/db. The upstart job mongodb(which comes with mongodb-10gen package) invokes the mongod with –config /etc/mongodb.

How do I know if MongoDB is running as a service?

To verify the status of the service, type: sudo systemctl status mongodb.

1 Answers

How to install mongodb and mongodb-server on fedora linux (verified on f16 & f17). All commands are intended to be run in a su session.

1) make sure you have no mongodb installation lying around

# yum erase mongodb # yum erase mongo-10gen  (if it is installed) 

2) install from fedora yum repository

# yum --disablerepo=* --enablerepo=fedora,updates install mongodb mongodb-server 

3) start mongod (mongodb daemon)

# systemctl start mongod.service 

4) verify mongod is running

# systemctl status mongod.service # tail /var/log/mongodb/mongodb.log # nmap -p27017 localhost 

or running client

# mongo MongoDB shell version: 2.0.2 connecting to: test > db.test.save( { a: 1 } ) > db.test.find() { "_id" : ObjectId("4fdf28f09d16204d66082fa3"), "a" : 1 } 

5) customize configuration

# vim /etc/mongodb.conf # systemctl restart mongod.service 

6) make mongodb service automatically start at boot

# systemctl enable mongod.service 

Update for Fedora 18

When started for the first time by systemd on a slow or loaded machine, mongod service might timeout before finishing its initialization, with systemd flagging the service as failed.


# journalctl -xn  -- Unit mongod.service has begun starting up. 10:38:43 local mongod[24558]: forked process: 24560 10:38:43 local mongod[24558]: all output going to: /var/log/mongodb/mongodb.log 10:40:13 local systemd[1]: mongod.service operation timed out. Terminating. 10:40:13 local systemd[1]: Failed to start High-performance, schema-free document-oriented database. -- Subject: Unit mongod.service has failed 

Very easy cure, restart the service:

# systemctl restart mongod.service 

this should finish the initialization successfully and leave the daemon in running state.

like image 131
guido Avatar answered Nov 03 '22 18:11
