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MongoDB remove document and return it [duplicate]



I would like to locate a document, remove it and also return it:

            token: myTokenVar
        }, function (err, res) {
            if (err)
                throw err;
            console.log(JSON.stringify(res)); // <-- this results in null

I'm wondering if I'm using the incorrect query type for this. Does MongoDB have such a method?

like image 565
basickarl Avatar asked Feb 01 '16 13:02


1 Answers

It is possible with another different command. Refer to findAndModify command. With the options to {query: ..., remove: true, new: false}, it will delete a single document and return the removed document.

Also there is one API findOneAndRemove in Mongoose, Finds a matching document, removes it, passing the found document (if any) to the callback.

Added by author: Also remove .col

            query: {
                token: myTokenVar
            remove: true,
            new: false
        }, function (err, res) {
            if (err)
                throw err;
like image 77
zangw Avatar answered Oct 24 '22 20:10
