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MongoDb query array with null values



I have objects in my collection that look like:

{ MyArray:[null, "some value", null] }

I want to query those objects that have a null value as an array element. The query


does not work, it seems to find only the objects with MyArray being null, e.g.

{ MyArray:null }

How do I need to define my query?

EDIT: Please see one of my real objects:

        "_id" : BinData(3,"ch9PrWveqU6niB6FGVhIOg=="),
        "PeerGroup" : "male",
        "ProductId" : BinData(3,"weRiKOtXEUSDZHkGHLcwzw=="),
        "CategoryIds" : [
        "ShopId" : BinData(3,"ZdfPmrlKR0GkLPC4djJuKw=="),
        "BrandId" : BinData(3,"kCHyuyLvgECxPF1nxwr7qQ=="),
        "Created" : ISODate("2012-08-24T07:42:12.416Z"),
        "LastActivity" : ISODate("2013-01-14T19:38:11.776Z"),
        "Price" : 129.9,
        "Sale" : false,
        "Rating" : 11.057340703605368,
        "RatingTimed" : 0.05670431130054035,
        "Available" : null,
        "FreeDelivery" : null,
        "Attrs" : [

And then I query by:


which yields no results.

like image 607
Max Avatar asked Mar 11 '13 09:03


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Solution 1: In case preservation of all null values[] or null fields in the array itself is not necessary. Filter out the not null elements using $filter , the ( all null elements) array would be empty, filter that out from documents using $match then $sort on values .

Does MongoDB store null value?

Indeed, it's not possible to store null values in a MongoDB document using a DataFrame. The Python None values are considered as missing attributes accordingly to this NoSQL specific allowance. However, if your column is numerical, you can force writing a null value by setting it to NaN.

1 Answers

In order to find documents with arrays, with null elements please run:

db.collection.find({"keyWithArray":{$elemMatch:{"$in":[null], "$exists":true}}})

According to safaribooksonline proper null matching is performed using $in (because you cannot use $eq with null). Also, comparing with null:


will match documents with "something" field set to null and every document which does not have "something" field at all. Thus we have to make sure the key exists using $exists.

like image 86
Krystian Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 21:10
