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MongoDB null field or true/false



On MongoDB, when we have fields such as "draft" (yes/no), "published" (yes/no), etc which is the best strategy? Create the field in all the records and put "yes"/"no" values or put the field just where exists?

posts: [{_id:1, text:"hello", draft:true},{_id:2 text:"world", draft:false}]


posts: [{_id:1, text:"hello", draft:true},{_id:2 text:"world"}]

Which is faster? It's for a large amount of data.

Best regards, João

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joaoqalves Avatar asked Jul 24 '12 15:07


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MongoDB fetch documents containing 'null' If we want to fetch documents from the collection "testtable" which contains the value of "interest" is null, the following mongodb command can be used : >db. testtable. find( { "interest" : null } ).

Are null values allowed in MongoDB?

Indeed, it's not possible to store null values in a MongoDB document using a DataFrame. The Python None values are considered as missing attributes accordingly to this NoSQL specific allowance. However, if your column is numerical, you can force writing a null value by setting it to NaN.

How do I make a field not null in MongoDB?

Basically, we can use the $exists a method to implement the not null in MongoDB. When <boolean> is valid, $exists coordinates with the records that contain the field, including reports where the field esteem is invalid. In case <boolean> is bogus, the question returns just the records that don't contain the field.

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Booleans use less storage than an integer or string and avoid any unexpected side effects of comparison. For example, in a MongoDB find() query a string of "1" will not match a numeric value of 1 or a boolean value of true . If you want to store boolean values, definitely use a boolean type.

1 Answers

Faster for what? Omitting the field when the value is false will result in slightly smaller documents, which could result in a slight overall speed increase.

But omitting the field makes it harder to query for false, specially if you have a mix of omitted fields and explicit false values.

Notice what the different queries return with this sample collection:

> db.test.find()
{ "_id" : ObjectId("500eeb7c42d87d5d861e1219") }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("500eeb8242d87d5d861e121a"), "b" : false }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("500eeb8642d87d5d861e121b"), "b" : true }
> db.test.find({b:true})
{ "_id" : ObjectId("500eeb8642d87d5d861e121b"), "b" : true }
> db.test.find({b:false})
{ "_id" : ObjectId("500eeb8242d87d5d861e121a"), "b" : false }
> db.test.find({b:{$exists:false}})
{ "_id" : ObjectId("500eeb7c42d87d5d861e1219") }
> db.test.find({$or:[{b:false},{b:{$exists:false}}]})
{ "_id" : ObjectId("500eeb7c42d87d5d861e1219") }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("500eeb8242d87d5d861e121a"), "b" : false }

Notice that the query you have to write if you have a mix of omitted and explicitly false values is more complicated and might lead to slower query execution.

like image 173
Robert Stam Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 13:09

Robert Stam