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MongoDB limit storage size?




What is MongoDB's storage size limit on 64bit platforms? Can MongoDB store 500-900 Gb of data within one instance (node)? What was the largest amount of data you've stored in MongoDB, and what was your experience?

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Edward83 Avatar asked Dec 01 '10 18:12


People also ask

How big is too big for MongoDB?

The maximum BSON document size is 16 megabytes. The maximum document size helps ensure that a single document cannot use excessive amount of RAM or, during transmission, excessive amount of bandwidth. To store documents larger than the maximum size, MongoDB provides the GridFS API.

How much data can be stored in MongoDB for free?

With regard to your question about the amount of data that you can save with 512 MB of space, is “it depends.” MongoDB has a maximum document size limit of 16 MB, which means if you maxed out your documents, you could save 512 MB/16MB = 32 documents.

Can MongoDB handle millions of data?

Working with MongoDB and ElasticSearch is an accurate decision to process millions of records in real-time. These structures and concepts could be applied to larger datasets and will work extremely well too.

3 Answers

The "production deployments" page on MongoDB's site may be of interest to you. Lots of presentations listed with infrastructure information. For example:

http://blog.wordnik.com/12-months-with-mongodb says they're storing 3 TB per node.

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ceejayoz Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 20:09


The MongoDB's storage limit on different operating systems are tabulated below as per the MongoDB 3.0 MMAPv1 storage engine limits.

The MMAPv1 storage engine limits each database to no more than 16000 data files. This means that a single MMAPv1 database has a maximum size of 32TB. Setting the storage.mmapv1.smallFiles option reduces this limit to 8TB.

Using the MMAPv1 storage engine, a single mongod instance cannot manage a data set that exceeds maximum virtual memory address space provided by the underlying operating system.

                            Virtual Memory Limitations  Operating System           Journaled                Not Journaled     Linux                 64 terabytes               128 terabytes  Windows Server 2012 R2 and Windows 8.1          64 terabytes               128 terabytes  Windows (otherwise)       4 terabytes                8 terabytes 

Reference: MongoDB Database Limit.

Note:The WiredTiger storage engine is not subject to this limitation.

Another way to have more than 2GB on a single node is to run multiple mongod processes. So sharding is one option or doing some manual partitioning across processes.

Hope This helps.

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SUNDARRAJAN K Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 20:09


You won't run anywhere near hitting the cap with 1TB on 64 bit systems, however Mongo does store the indexes in memory so a smooth experience depends on your index size and how much memory you have. But if you have a beefy enough system it won't be a problem.

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Donnie H Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 20:09

Donnie H