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MongoDB Differentiates Between undefined vs. null



I was checking logic for querying on non-values and noticed when using the mongo shell, it differentiates between undefined and null values.

> use test
> db.test.insert({ a : 1,          b : null,       c : undefined })
> db.test.insert({ a : null,       b : undefined,  c : 1 })
> db.test.insert({ a : undefined,  b : 1,          c : null })

When you query on the collection, you get this:

> db.test.find()
{ "_id" : ObjectId("52d95575c9333565e80ccb22"), "a" : 1, "b" : null, "c" : null }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("52d9557fc9333565e80ccb23"), "a" : null, "b" : null, "c" : 1 }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("52d95586c9333565e80ccb24"), "a" : null, "b" : 1, "c" : null }

When you query on null however, it only retrieves records who was explicitly set to null.

> db.test.find({ a : null })
{ "_id" : ObjectId("52d9557fc9333565e80ccb23"), "a" : null, "b" : null, "c" : 1 }

Is this a bug in MongoDB? How can I properly query for null/ undefined/ non-set fields?


So I can query for not-set values with this:

db.test.find({ $or : [ { a : null }, { a : { $exists : false } } ] })

But in this example though, it still only returns the single record:

{ "_id" : ObjectId("52d9557fc9333565e80ccb23"), "a" : null, "b" : null, "c" : 1 }

Anyone know why/ how MongoDB differentiates between undefined and null? Is this an issue with how the data was entered in MongoDB?

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AlbertEngelB Avatar asked Jan 17 '14 16:01


People also ask

How do I query for NULL values in MongoDB?

➤ Use the Select your language drop-down menu in the upper-right to set the language of the following examples. Different query operators in MongoDB treat null values differently. The query returns both documents in the collection. The query returns only the document where the item field has a value of null.

What is the difference between a null value and undefined value?

The value null must be explicitly set for a property. For example, here is an item that has the creationDate property set to null: A property with a null value must have it explicitly assigned. Properties not defined in an item have an undefined value.

What happens if you have an undefined value in Azure Cosmos DB?

In aggregate system functions, undefined values will simply be omitted from the calculation and will not impact the result. For example, a query like SELECT SUM (c.total) FROM c has an implicit IS_DEFINED (c.total) filter. Learn more about Azure Cosmos DB query operators.

Why does the property isregistered have a value of undefined?

In the example item above, the property isRegistered has a value of undefined because it is omitted from the item. Azure Cosmos DB supports two helpful type checking system functions for null and undefined properties, both of which use the index:

2 Answers

If you want to return a document where a field exists AND is not null, use { a : {$ne : null}}

Undefined and null values are different, but the shell shows them both as null - https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-6102

like image 156
Jeff Storey Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 15:09

Jeff Storey

In case you wonder, why MongoDB casts undefined to null instead of just ignoring such properties - ignoreUndefined flag could solve this behaviour.


like image 24
Stanislav Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 15:09
