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MongoDb C# Creating Index and Collection dynamiaclly




I am creating a collection dynamically using C#(MongDB driver). I found that collection gets created only if atleast one document is inserted into it. i am doing as below. Since i am calling CreatOne for every insert to create index, will it ReCreate index every time i insert new docs? Is there any better way for creating collection and index dynamically than this?

public static void CreatAndInsert(double value1, double value2, string collectoinName)
        var connectionString = "mongodb://localhost";
        var client = new MongoClient(connectionString);
        var database = client.GetDatabase("sample");

        //Create Index
        var indexDefn = Builders<BsonDocument>.IndexKeys.Ascending("datetime");
        string collectionName = collectoinName;
        database.GetCollection<BsonDocument>(collectionName).Indexes.CreateOne(indexDefn, new CreateIndexOptions() { Background = true, Sparse = true});

        //Create Collection
        var dbcollection = database.GetCollection<BsonDocument>(collectionName);

        var document = new BsonDocument
                    { "_id", ObjectId.GenerateNewId()},
                    { "Key1", value1 },
                    { "Key2", value2},
                    { "datetime", DateTime.Now }

like image 615
Vaibhav shetty Avatar asked Mar 06 '18 11:03

Vaibhav shetty

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MongoDB is a NoSQL database that is open source. MongoDB is available in two editions. One is MongoDB Open Source, which is free as part of the Open-Source Community, but for the other editions, you must pay a License fee. When compared to the free edition, this edition has some advanced features.

1 Answers

You could check first if the index exists, before creating it. The API provides a method IndexExistsByName to check if an index exists or not.

var collection = database.GetCollection<BsonDocument>(collectionName);

if (! collection.IndexExistsByName("myindex")) {
  collection.Indexes.CreateOne(indexDefn, new CreateIndexOptions() { Background = true, Sparse = true});
like image 162
Jehof Avatar answered Oct 25 '22 14:10
