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mongod, mac os x - rlimits warning [closed]

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Does MongoDB have a limit?

The maximum size an individual document can be in MongoDB is 16MB with a nested depth of 100 levels. Edit: There is no max size for an individual MongoDB database.

How many requests can MongoDB handle?

On MongoDB, connections are a lot lighter and we set the limit at 5000. That's across the database as a whole, not particular portals. So, with 5000 connections it should be pretty hard to hit the limit and if you do, chances are there's something up with your application.

How many documents is too many in MongoDB?

To my knowledge, there's no real 'limit' on the number of docs in a collection.. probably, it is the number of unique combinations of _id field MongoDB can generate..But that would be much larger than 500K..

on mac, you probably using mongodb for development purpose. If yes, then you can ignore this.