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Mongo field A greater than field B



i'm trying a simple query in Mongo which in MySQL would look like this.

select * from emails where bounceCount > sentCount; 

So far I have.

db.email.find({ bounceCount : { $gt : sentCount } } ); 

But I get this error

JS Error: ReferenceError: sentCount is not defined (shell):0 

How do I reference the sentCount in that shell?

like image 640
Mitesh Avatar asked Apr 16 '13 16:04


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How do you do greater than in MongoDB?

You can use the following operators in MongoDB to perform greater than or less than queries: $lt: Less than. $lte: Less than or equal. $gt: Greater than.

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MongoDB compare two fields in the same document You can use the $where operator to compare the fields.

What does $GT mean MongoDB?

Overview. $gt means “greater than.” It is a query operator and one of the comparison operators in MongoDB. It selects or matches documents with a path or field value greater than the specified value.

Is $gt for greater than or equal to the value?

Definition. $gt selects those documents where the value of the field is greater than (i.e. > ) the specified value . For most data types, comparison operators only perform comparisons on fields where the BSON type matches the query value's type. MongoDB supports limited cross-BSON comparison through Type Bracketing.

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1 Answers

It should do the trick:

db.emails.find({ $expr: { $gt: [ "$bounceCount" , "$sentCount" ] } }); 

Here is the reference where I found it: https://docs.mongodb.com/manual/reference/operator/query/expr/#op._S_expr

like image 182
Andrei Petrik Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 13:09

Andrei Petrik