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mongo-connect error with mongo-connect(session)

After searching around about it, I can't find any solution or mistake in my code about this error. I've got my app.js files inside my node JS application with the mongo-connect declaration :

const MongoStore = require('connect-mongo')(session)

And I've got this error :

TypeError: Class constructor MongoStore cannot be invoked without 'new' at Object. (/Users/souhailmohamed/project/devops/story website/app.js:11:20) at Module._compile (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:1063:30) at Object.Module._extensions..js (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:1092:10) at Module.load (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:928:32) at Function.Module._load (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:769:14) at Function.executeUserEntryPoint [as runMain] (internal/modules/run_main.js:72:12) at internal/main/run_main_module.js:17:47

There is my app.use code beloww :

    secret: 'story book',
    resave: false,
    saveUninitialized: false,
    store: new MongoStore({ mongooseConnection: mongoose.connection })

I understand pretty well about the

const MongoStore = require('connect-mongo')(session)

but I didn't understand the error. But it's from a tutorial from youtube by traversy media LinK

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Souhail Mohamed Avatar asked Mar 16 '21 11:03

Souhail Mohamed

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However, the improper installation of client and problems with URI string may lead to MongoDB not connecting error. At Bobcares, we often get requests to fix MongoDB not connecting error as part of our Server Management Services. Today, we’ll see how our Support Engineers connect MongoDB via different methods and fix related errors.

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5 Answers

connect-mongo v4 introduces new signature (compared to v3).

Here is the official migration guide.

Also, here is a quick diff of what I changed in my specific project (using mongoose and dotenv) to upgrade from connect-mongo v3 to v4:

connect-mongo 3 to 4 diff

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abernier Avatar answered Oct 26 '22 19:10


  store: MongoStore.create({ mongoUrl: 'mongodb://localhost/test-app' })

// Advanced usage
  store: MongoStore.create({
    mongoUrl: 'mongodb://user12345:foobar@localhost/test-app?authSource=admin&w=1',
    mongoOptions: advancedOptions // See below for details
like image 32
Harish Nishad Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 07:09

Harish Nishad

I had the same problem in my code and solved it using this:

const MongoDbStore = require('connect-mongo');

Remove (session) from the require statement and update the app.use() like this:

// Session Config
        secret: 'story book',
        resave: false,
        saveUninitialized: false,
        store: MongoDbStore.create({
            mongoUrl: YourDatabaseURL
like image 13
Bhaven Avatar answered Oct 26 '22 19:10


I was following the same so I discovered an npm pakage connect-mongodb-session. Install it and use the same code of session as Brad uses in his video

const MongoDBStore = require('connect-mongodb-session')(session);

    secret: 'keyboard cat',
    resave: false,
    saveUnitialized: false,
    store: new MongoDBStore({
        mongooseConnection: mongoose.connection
    //cookie: { secure: true }

const store = new MongoStore({
    uri: 'your mongo uri' ,

//express middleware
    secret: 'keyboard cat',
    resave: false,
    saveUninitialized: false,
    store: store

// Don't create a session until something is stored 
// cookie: { secure: true } - this wont work without https

It solved my relogging issue also. If you close the tab and renter to localhost you get yourself logged in already

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Daniya Niazi Avatar answered Oct 26 '22 19:10

Daniya Niazi

Ok so i've found a way to resolve it, i don't about the reason, on which version of express to use but i removed the (session) after mongo-connect and change the app.use to this :

    secret: 'story book',
    resave: false,
    saveUninitialized: false,
    store: MongoStore.create({ mongoUrl: 'mongodb+srv://<id+ password>@cluster0.cq7f2.mongodb.net/DBname?retryWrites=true&w=majority' })

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Souhail Mohamed Avatar answered Oct 26 '22 20:10

Souhail Mohamed