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Mongo collection.find().then() is not a function [duplicate]

When I run collection.find() in MongoDB/Node/Express, I'd like to get a callback when it's finished. What's the correct syntax for this?

 function (id,callback) {

    var o_id = new BSON.ObjectID(id);

        collection.find({'_id':o_id},function(err,results){  //What's the correct callback synatax here?
        }) //find
      }) //collection
    }); //open
like image 690
John Avatar asked Jul 26 '12 02:07


2 Answers

That's the correct callback syntax, but what find provides to the callback is a Cursor, not an array of documents. So if you want your callback to provide results as an array of documents, call toArray on the cursor to return them:

collection.find({'_id':o_id}, function(err, cursor){

Note that your function's callback still needs to provide an err parameter so that the caller knows whether the query worked or not.

2.x Driver Update

find now returns the cursor rather than providing it via a callback, so the typical usage can be simplified to:

collection.find({'_id': o_id}).toArray(function(err, results) {...});

Or in this case where a single document is expected, it's simpler to use findOne:

collection.findOne({'_id': o_id}, function(err, result) {...});
like image 196
JohnnyHK Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 18:10


Based on JohnnyHK answer I simply wrapped my calls inside db.open() method and it worked. Thanks @JohnnyHK.

app.get('/answers', function (req, res){
     db.open(function(err,db){ // <------everything wrapped inside this function
         db.collection('answer', function(err, collection) {
             collection.find().toArray(function(err, items) {

Hope it is helpful as an example.

like image 24
Anmol Saraf Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 16:10

Anmol Saraf