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Monaco Editor intellisense from multiple files

I am using monaco-editor and I would like to include suggestions from multiple files. I am not sure what is the best way to do it but basically, I want that when I am exporting some functions in a file2.js, to be able to access that from another file1.js in the suggestions.

Any idea on how to achieve that ? Thank you !


var express = require('express');
var pug = require('pug');
var config = require('./config');
var fs = require('fs');
var router = express.Router();
var utils = require('/utils');
// Here I would like to use the function newTest from the other file 
but it does not show in the suggestions
router.get('/', function (req, res) {
    console.log("ip - ", req.connection.remoteAddress)
module.exports = router;


function newTest() {
module.exports.newTest = newTest;


$(document).ready(function() {
// I prefetch my models, then I have a callback to create an instance of the editor
preFetchAllModels(function() {
    var models = monaco.editor.getModels();
    // I check that I have my models (file1 and file2) prefetched before creating the editor
    console.log("models", models);

    monacoEditor = monaco.editor.create(document.getElementById("editor"), {
        value: "loading...",
        language: "javascript",
        theme: 'monokai',
        lineHeight: 20,
        fontSize: 16,
        wordWrap: "bounded",
        automaticLayout: true,
        wrappingIndent: 'indent'
like image 435
Bastien L. Avatar asked Jul 22 '19 12:07

Bastien L.

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1 Answers

To achieve the goal of IntelliSense across multiple files, you need to use a single instance of monaco.editor and for each file you want IntelliSense for, initialize a new model, during application boot. Additionally, for autocompletion support, you must implement a completion item provider. Read below for more details.

Application Initial Load

  1. Use const myEditorInstance = monaco.editor.create({ ... , model: null }) to create a single editor instance.
  2. Create n-model instances via monaco.editor.createModel(...) where n is the number of files.
  3. Configure language defaults for eager model sync: monaco.languages.typescript.javascriptDefaults.setEagerModelSync(true).
  4. To enable autocompletion, you will need to implement a method according to the CompletionItemProvider api.

Handling various events after initial load

  • Get a list of existing models via monaco.editor.getModels().
  • When a file is opened (either by a user clicking on a button or programmatically by some code you write), set the editor instance's model to the file you want to open using myEditorInstance.setModel(model).
  • When closing a file, you should save that model's view state (includes cursor position, etc) using myEditorInstance.saveViewState().
  • If opening that file again, you may restore that previous model state using myEditorInstance.restoreState().
  • If a file is renamed or deleted, you need to properly dispose the corresponding model and in the case where the file was renamed, re-initialize the model.
like image 62
Peter Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 09:09
