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Moment.js unix timestamp to display time ago always in minutes

I am using Moment.js and would like to convert unix timestamps to (always) display minutes ago from the current time. E.g.) 4 mins ago, 30 mins ago, 94 mins ago, ect.

Right now I am using:


But this does not always display in minutes e.g.) an hour ago, a day ago, ect. I have tried using .asMinutes() but I believe this only words with moment.duration().

like image 670
Scott Bartell Avatar asked Aug 26 '12 22:08

Scott Bartell

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Just like this: moment(). subtract(1, 'days') . It will give you the previous day with the same exact current time that is on your local pc. Save this answer.

How do you get a timestamp moment in Unix?

We can use the moment. unix() function to parse unix timestamps (seconds). The moment. unix() function is used to create a moment using Unix Timestamp, seconds since the Unix Epoch (Jan 1 1970 12AM UTC).

What is Moment () Unix ()?

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1 Answers

Not sure if this is possible with native Moment methods, but you can easily make your own Moment extension:

moment.fn.minutesFromNow = function() {
    return Math.floor((+new Date() - (+this))/60000) + ' mins ago';
//then call:


Note that other moment methods won't be chainable after minutesFromNow() as my extension returns a string.


Extension with fixed plural (0 mins, 1 min, 2 mins):

moment.fn.minutesFromNow = function() {
    var r = Math.floor((+new Date() - (+this))/60000);
    return r + ' min' + ((r===1) ? '' : 's') + ' ago';

You can as well replace "min" with "minute" if you prefer the long form.


like image 194
Fabrício Matté Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 17:11

Fabrício Matté