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Modulus/Modulo equivalent operator/function in django templates?

I'm just learning django's templating system and trying to do something relatively trivial:

<ul class="states">
{% for state in states %}
   <li class="state_elements" ><a href="/{{ state.name }}/"> {{ state.name }}</a></li>
   {% if forloop.counter \% 3 == 0 %}
   <br style="clear: both"/>
 {% endif %}
{% endfor %}

I get a syntax error because % is a symbol reserved for the templating language. This is unfortunate.

I already found a partial solution with

{% cycle "" "" "" '<br style="clear: both"/>' %}

but it strikes me as damn odd. Is there a better way?

like image 598
David Avatar asked Nov 13 '11 05:11


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8. What does {{ name }} this mean in Django Templates? {{ name }} will be the output. It will be displayed as name in HTML. The name will be replaced with values of Python variable.

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2 Answers

forlopp count divisible by 2

{% if forloop.counter|divisibleby:2 == 0 %}

forloop count not divisible by 2

{% if forloop.counter|divisibleby:2 != 0 %}
like image 67
Jhanvi Patel Avatar answered Oct 15 '22 20:10

Jhanvi Patel


Returns True if the value is divisible by the argument.

For example:

{{ value|divisibleby:"3" }}

django template doc

like image 35
iMom0 Avatar answered Oct 15 '22 19:10
